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Step foot inside a gym alone? NO WAY



  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I find going alone is better than with a friend - my housemate and I joined a gym together and she would often quit after 20 minutes or so, and then I would feel guilty wanting to stay out my hour or whatever. I've moved in with my boyfriend now and it's fun to go alone - I can do what I want for however long I want to, and I don't have to worry about holding her up (or nagging her to stay!)

    It's also nice to smile and acknowledge other members - if you go at the same time every day, you'll get to know the 'locals' and then you can ask them for help or just be a friendly face around the place. My gym is 24 hrs and isn't usually staffed so trainers are rare early in the morning or late at night when I go. People don't stare - unless I whack out a headstand in the middle of my stretching routine and then they come over and ask how they can do it too!!

    ETA: People who go to a gym respect those who are there. You might be bigger than them, but you're there and that's what counts. You're not sitting on the couch with a bag of chips, you're doing something about your health. I'd rather people look at me running with sweat pouring down my face and my jiggles doing their thing, than point and laugh while I'm on the street or doing my grocery shopping for the rest of my life. GET IN THERE!!! You won't regret it!
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Just stay out of the gyms in The Mission District. If you don't have a 1920s record player strapped to your shoulder playing obscure indie rock you will definitely be judged.
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    check out planet fitness. they have a "no critics" policy. i joined a couple weeks ago, and get nothing but smiles and encouragement from the other members :happy:

    There are critics everywhere... even Planet Fitness

    For the OP - Seriously, i used to feel the same way until I realized a few things. 1. I get a MUCH better workout alone with music and headphones. 2. There is not one person in that gym who is remotely even looking at me - they are all focusing on their workout. 3. Everyone had to start somewhere!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    So, I'm realizing that just eating well isn't the only component to all of this- I need more physical activity.

    Tomorrow I will check out a gym near my home, but I got to thinking... I don't want to work out alone! I don't know if I can.
    I fear that I will be too self conscious the whole time and give up. Seeing as no one I know lives in San Francisco and probably wouldn't want to come all the way out just to gym it up with me, I've got no idea how I will handle myself!

    The thing is, I just feel ugly all of the time.. for the longest time I couldn't even go running alone unless it was on super secluded trails which, in hindsight, wasn't very smart. I feel as though everyone is watching me, judging me, and thinking " she looks stupid" or "she's doing that wrong, what an idiot."

    Has anyone else dealt with this? If so, any tips on how to cope?

    Our gym has a free trainer a couple times a week. That would keep you accountable. You could also join some of the exercise classes.
  • i feel the same way - like everyone is staring, judging...eeek. So I go jogging outside with sunglasses, my mom has an eliptical(i know, most ppl don't, which is why i mentioned the running outside) and do Pilates and crunchless abs videos at home. Also, you can buy hand weights at lots of stores! good luck girl :)
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I'd rather go alone than with someone. I'm there for one reason, to work out and "get 'er done"

    It's my alone time.

    Ditto. And don't worry about what other people think.

    They are there to work on their OWN bodies.
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    I LOVE working out alone... having a 'friend' with you can backfire if they arent as motivated as you are, or even if they are more fit, it could make you feel bad about yourself. Going to the gym is my time away, I get to get lost in my music and break a sweat. Its great for the quiet 'me' time that I needed and deserved!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I tend to go to the gym during the day, to avoid the crowds and the insanely fit people... I love how mid-afternoon my gym is occupied by retired men and women, they seem less intimidating to me, and typically leave me alone and don't stare! Not everyone can go during this time, but as a fulltime student, and fulltime single mom, it works for my schedule....

    Try the gym, I love going alone and you might too!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    At 327 lbs, I felt really nervous about going into the gym that first day alone. Even going in to sign up, I had the same fears and issues that you described. But I had to just pull up my big girl panties and JUST DO IT! I was really proud of myself. I felt empowered and I was so busy working out and enjoying moving my body, that I didn't really care about anyone around me. (Unless of course they were talking on a cell phone on a machine next to me... in that case I wanted to walk over, grab the freaking thing and smash it on the ground and walk away.. problem solved!)

    Just do it.. you'll be glad you did!
  • I thought I couldn't go to the gym alone either...but I love it! I do like going with my husband, but we never do the same thing--- I just like looking across the gym and catching his glance and it motivates me. We tried doing the whole strength training/cardio together...but I like the elepitical for my ankle and he likes the tredmill or to play basketball. When we would do strength training it was a constant changing the seat position and the amount of the weight--it just slows it down. I like to do strength training in a class format.

    If you like to be in a group check to see if your gym has group exercises... I love going to zumba, body combat (kickboxing), body pump (strength training), and water aerobics. I am probably the biggest person in those first three classes, but I keep up--- I might not always look graceful but I stay with them.

    Who knows you might meet some new friends to head to the gym with-- but it is much easier to do your own thing once you get there!

    Good luck with your workouts!!
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Young lady, you are certainly not ugly so stop that nonsense right now. As for going to the gym, just do it. Everyone at the gym is too busy concentrating on their own work-outs to pay attention to what you are doing. A personal trainer is a good idea at least to get started, just to make sure you don't injure yourself if nothing else.

    Just go and do it.
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. But the truth is, self-consciousness is just another excuse and you need to get over it. Tough love, I know, but I am speaking from the heart.

    I'll share a little secret with you: Every time I go to the gym, as I walk up the parking lot toward the door I tell my son (who is 15 months old and goes with me to kid play area while I work out) that we are getting ready to shed our hats. I literally pantomime removing a baseball cap from my head. On that cap are the words: Self-Conscious. As I approach the door, I chuck that hat to the side and leave it outside in the parking lot where it belongs. It may seem stupid, but it really helps me. I walk in feeling confident, knowing I am there to get healthier and do right by myself. And I don't feel self-conscious at all. And I totally should because when I work out, I jiggle, I sweat, I grunt, I talk to myself, sometimes I laugh out loud and generally look like a total freak. And you know what? I could not care less. I check my self-consciousness at the door every time. And it works. I keep going back, I keep getting stronger, and I am not letting my own demons stop me from getting what I want.

    Get out of your comfort zone. Do it today. You will not regret it when you look back - I promise. :flowerforyou:

    I love this advice. Especially the sweat jiggle and grunt part. I go alone all the time and have made a few friends from others there. I am a huge klutz, so I am so thrilled I haven't been thrown off the treadmill !! Haha. Just laugh and enjoy yourself. And it is so true. You are doing this for YOU, so just focus on that. Hugs!!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Either book sessions with a trainer or workout at home until you feel less self conscious
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    I go along every time I go (5 to 6 times per week). Just go!!!!! I go to the class along and do what I have to do and leave. Just do it!!!
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    Are you completely new to working out? Maybe starting off in a gym is not the best plan for you. Or maybe you need a gym specified to your needs, not a mass market gym like 24 Hour or LA Fitness. I would recommend you do some research and think about your budget.
    1. Look into smaller privately owned gyms for women. I know there is a gym near me called "Fitness for Her" I have never been there, but from the outside it looks small, not intimidating, and you may feel more comfortable in a gym that is only for women.

    2. You should also check out Curves or things like it, but I would avoid the globo gyms right now, because it doesn't sound like you will enjoy the experience. If you don't like going, you are less likely to go.

    3. Look in to at home work outs until you find your confidence. Personally, I never had a problem on cardio machines or in group classes at a big gym, but I was wayyy too intimidated to ever go near the free weights. I wasn't sure what to do, or if I would look silly. A friend turned me on to ChaLean extreme, and I loved it. I found a decent set of used dumb bells on Ebay and did the program full out. That particular program included 3 days a week of lifting routines, each day a different routine, and then a whole new set of 3 routines for months 2 and 3. By the time I was finished, I had learned how to properly do tons of free weight exercises, and knew 9 different total body routines. I still use those routines regularly, and now have no problem going in to the "Bro Zone" at my mega-gym and lifting with confidence.

    In summary, take a little time finding the best program for you- not just taking the closest gym to you. Maybe its a private place or curves type place, or maybe for now you should see how much you would spend in 6 months on a gym membership and take that money to get yourself a good set up and program at home, then re-assess your needs later. No matter what you have to find you enjoy, because something you dread will never work.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 378 Member
    I know what you mean... but think about it. most people in the gym are too focused on themselves and their own workout to care what other people are doing.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Hey OP i live in Oakland. Which gym are you thinking about joining? If it's my gym (club one) then I'd be willing to meet up a few times a week to work out together.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Yes, just do it, and punch through the discomfort.
    It will get easier, and you will be stronger in the end.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I went alone for awhile in the free weights but stopped because every time I went a old man here and there would come up to me and correct my form EVERY TIME I used the weights. I know I'm a newb but it's very traumatizing when they make a big scene out of it in front of all the other college football players. Plus our weight room is really tiny. And barely any girls use it. Ugh lol, that's what keeps me from going to the weight room. I might have to find another one.
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    Start with a class possibly? People aren't going to be watching you..most are there for their workout also! You may even meet a few people that may help you alot of gym people are friendlier than you think. I teach classes and am always in the weight room and try to make newbies feel welcome!! Your making a choice to be healthier.. so you should be proud going into the gym
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Once you get there and find your comfort zone, you will be ok. Just do it! :flowerforyou: