Around and Around in Circles...Am I eating enough calories?

It seems the rage today is to talk about how many calories you should be eating...

MFP says 1200 and my BMR says 1,756.
What does this mean? Will someone shed some light?

I have been dieting for a week and have lost 5 lbs. I am not starving and on a few nights not been able to able to eat all my calories because I am full. (I have been walking each morning and burning 200-250 calories so my daily totals are about 1400-1450.)

I am eating whole grains, fruits/veggies, chicken.. and have little processed food and no soda :)
I do not feel deprived at all.

If someone wants to take a look at my diary, I am happy to share.

I am looking for serious feedback to make sure I am on the right track.


  • hanbro
    hanbro Posts: 5
    Sounds to me that your doing the right thing! 5lbs in one week is great and I would stick to trying to eat no processed foods and only drink water. Other drinks contain a lot of sugar and empty calories. As for your bmr I also eat lessthen my bmr and find that I feel sounds like your current Cal intake is good but might need to b lowered later on as you lose more weight and reach a Plautue. But until then keep up the good work :)