today on Good Morning America

This morning I missed a telecast of a new pill being approved by the FDA for assistance with weight loss, did anyone happen to see it? Know anything about it? I wanted to research more about it I'm not looking for a miracle pill but if it can help with the exercise and eating healthier then why not.


  • FloridaAimee
    FloridaAimee Posts: 295 Member
    I saw it last night.
    I's an anti seizure medication, and the major side effect of it was weight loss.
    Of course, no long term effects are known...Too scary for me.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    The FDA also approved pink slime which is ground up dead animal parts including bones and eye balls and than bleached in ammonia. Just because it is approved does NOT mean it is healthy and "safe". Trust me... you do NOT want to be the guinea pig of this pill.
  • jo_dibs
    jo_dibs Posts: 14 Member
    Here is a link to an article.

    Phentermine is an appetite suppressant medication, and topiramate is for seizures or migraines. I actually took it for my migraines for a little bit, but not very long because I learned it makes the birth control pill stop working. I didn't notice any weight loss, but the doc did say that was one of the side effects. I don't think I was on it long enough to benefit from that though :)
  • KateRepine
    KateRepine Posts: 60 Member
    @ Sharyn - so true!!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    No I dismissed it b/c it's just feeding into the doctors and pharmaceutical companies. We are losing weight to GET OFF THE PILLS, no? And like someone else said, the long-term effects are unknown and there's side effects to every medication. I never agreed with taking pills to lose weight and will never agree with it! I took off my weight the uncomplicated, old fashioned way of eating less and exercising. It's worked for me for over 20yrs and no side effects besides being almost 40 and able to run circles around kids half my age!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    The FDA also approved pink slime which is ground up dead animal parts including bones and eye balls and than bleached in ammonia. Just because it is approved does NOT mean it is healthy and "safe". Trust me... you do NOT want to be the guinea pig of this pill.

    Great point!
  • HelenCate
    HelenCate Posts: 12
    Well said!!
  • amayberry7
    amayberry7 Posts: 22 Member
    LoL @Sharyn913!!!! jerbear1962 I actually had a friend who took both Phentermine and topiramate to try and loose weight but she went nutzo!! The phentermine made her really irritable and the other she took for migraines and it did nothing! Good luck!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    The FDA also approved pink slime which is ground up dead animal parts including bones and eye balls and than bleached in ammonia. Just because it is approved does NOT mean it is healthy and "safe". Trust me... you do NOT want to be the guinea pig of this pill.
    EWWW that made me puke :sick:
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member

    Some risky side effects that are known and I would guess others not yet known.
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    The brand name of this drug topiramate is Topamax. It is used for seizures and migraine prevention. I had tried it for 2 months for migraine prevention and it worked at first and then stopped working so I stopped the pill. The only side effect I remember from this drug was that soda tasted extremely weird. At that time I was having easily 4 soda's a day. When I started this medicine I pretty much stopped the soda so I guess it was good for that.

    There are lots of drugs that have the side effect "weight loss" but that's not the intention of the drug, henceforth it's called a side effect. Effexor had a weight loss side effect too. Topamax is not a drug you should take lightly. I had to deliberate with myself if I even wanted to try the drug, and I was taking it for one of it's intended uses.
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    However~ if you have epilepsy and obese like myself~ it could be perfect :)
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thank you everyone...I just caught the last few seconds and was curious..~jerry~
  • mskimber99
    mskimber99 Posts: 30
    i take topamax for my migraines and am going next monday to tell my neurologist to take me off - when i have a migraine i have auras but on the topamax i have what is common referred to "kaliediscope eyes" which means i have aura constantly in different colors - usually upon waking up but can happen at other times as well - like when driving - nothing like driving and having traffic outlined in different colors - scary