Calorie Deficit for dummies, like me

I don't know if this has already been posted around here but I love this article/blog. It was so much easier for me to understand then anything I have read. So I am just going to past the link here for anyone like me, that is "still" not sure how this all works. Feedback welcome. I have to admit that my activity level has like sky-rocketed and I feel better in every way, but, I am not losing and I am not gaining. So I wondered if I was just maintaining my weight/fat that I want to shed.

Anyway, here's that link:

For those that don't know, I am the one that started a thread called "I'm eating all my exercise calories". I am not feeling good about doing that right now. But after I study the link, we'll see how I feel and think about the whole thing.

denise PS I also think that people that pump a lot of iron can eat all the calories they want but I don't workout with weights and don't really want to do that, I just want to walk, ride a bike or kayak. And, I now think that the note under our daily food diary totals that says you "earned X amount of calories a day" might mean that you earned those to put toward the 3500 calorie lb. you will lose?? This all just coming to me and I welcome allllllllllllll the feedback I can get;)


  • patricia909
    patricia909 Posts: 205 Member
    bump for later
  • nene01pop
    nene01pop Posts: 80 Member
    I always thought that too... I had in my mind that the more I burn the more I lose if I continue to only eat the 1200 calorie diet. I have only been at it for 35+ days soooo, I know that what I was doing before didnt work. :) Today though, I worked out a little extra and had my normal salad, but by the time I was able to eat lunch, mmmmm I was starving. My schedule is not normal anyways... I work 6p-2a monday-friday and just started a part time job on mon and wed, so my whole week has been a little weird. I just know that when I got to work tonight, I was hungry... I am trying to follow you in eating back your calories so I will know.

    Thanks for doing this and sharing it!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    OMGosh, I am so excited! I finally found something that explained things so I can understand, yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw! Oh I hope everyone interested reads that link/website. The guy or gal that wrote it is just so excellent in explaining it all!!

    I always thought that too... I had in my mind that the more I burn the more I lose if I continue to only eat the 1200 calorie diet. I have only been at it for 35+ days soooo, I know that what I was doing before didnt work. :) Today though, I worked out a little extra and had my normal salad, but by the time I was able to eat lunch, mmmmm I was starving. My schedule is not normal anyways... I work 6p-2a monday-friday and just started a part time job on mon and wed, so my whole week has been a little weird. I just know that when I got to work tonight, I was hungry... I am trying to follow you in eating back your calories so I will know.

    Thanks for doing this and sharing it!
  • Laramae09
    Laramae09 Posts: 47
    Excellent information!! Thank you SO much!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi again Nene, do follow the link and find out what your "personal" calorie deficit should be: I still think MFP rocks but I also think, as this article states, that there are ways to find out what our own caloric needs are to lose the most fat, hold onto or build muscle. Lose .5 to 2 lbs per week. And heavier people can lose more fat faster and not muscle, safely for a time. But as each of us grows lighter, our caloric needs will change as well. We each can manipulate our calorie intake, or lack thereof, to lose weight(fat), gain weight(muscle) or maintain our ideal weight.

    Write me anytime if you need help with the calculations etc. That site even teaches you how much protein you need! It's really simple, 1 gram of protein for every pound of weight. So I am 131 so I need 131 grams of protein a day. Nothing is exact but it is a start and if we are not losing weight, they tell us how to knock off 250 calories per day and try that. Like on those "plateaus" you hear about? They say if you are stuck, reduce your calorie intake. Wow, I am so excited to learn all this, LOL!!


    I always thought that too... I had in my mind that the more I burn the more I lose if I continue to only eat the 1200 calorie diet. I have only been at it for 35+ days soooo, I know that what I was doing before didnt work. :) Today though, I worked out a little extra and had my normal salad, but by the time I was able to eat lunch, mmmmm I was starving. My schedule is not normal anyways... I work 6p-2a monday-friday and just started a part time job on mon and wed, so my whole week has been a little weird. I just know that when I got to work tonight, I was hungry... I am trying to follow you in eating back your calories so I will know.

    Thanks for doing this and sharing it!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Oh glad you are seeing this, hope lots of people do. I feel things are going to start happening now. I do like the idea of just eating a set amount each day. If you need help let me know after reading the info in the link!!:drinker: :drinker:
    Excellent information!! Thank you SO much!
  • nszocinski
    nszocinski Posts: 156 Member
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks! Bump
  • Thank you so much for posting this!!! Very informative!
  • nene01pop
    nene01pop Posts: 80 Member
    Just read alot of the article.. awesome... soooo with me being 207 lbs I would have to eat around 2880, so by cutting back to 1200 without any exercise, I would lose appro 2 lbs a week.... but when I exercise I need to eat back some or most of these cals because my body physically needs them????
  • mindysreadyforchange
    mindysreadyforchange Posts: 103 Member
    This is the most awesome post ever! THANKS
  • MsTaraB
    MsTaraB Posts: 4
    The more I read the more I can scream don't get just call me dumb on this one losing about 2 pounds a week sometime one i dont know help can I get some motivators that can help me thanks
  • Bump
  • MsTaraB
    MsTaraB Posts: 4
  • 4myhealth77
    4myhealth77 Posts: 77 Member
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Ok, I am way to wound up. The PS on here is not right. What I mean is that those calories that show as "earned calories from exercise?" They are to be used according to our goals. So for example: If we want to "lose" fat in a healthy manner we would eat about 20% of our Net Calories which is calculated buy us, our BMR. If we want to maintain our weight, we would eat all those exercise calories and if we want to gain weight, we would eat above that number. Someone correct me if I'm wrong because I am just trying to learn the right way of figuring this. I have been eating all my exercise calories and maintaining the same, exact weight. So I need to cut back on the calories, but not too much. I've calculated my daily caloric intake needs to be at right about 1349 in order to lose between .5 - 2lbs per week.
    I don't know if this has already been posted around here but I love this article/blog. It was so much easier for me to understand then anything I have read. So I am just going to past the link here for anyone like me, that is "still" not sure how this all works. Feedback welcome. I have to admit that my activity level has like sky-rocketed and I feel better in every way, but, I am not losing and I am not gaining. So I wondered if I was just maintaining my weight/fat that I want to shed.

    Anyway, here's that link:

    For those that don't know, I am the one that started a thread called "I'm eating all my exercise calories". I am not feeling good about doing that right now. But after I study the link, we'll see how I feel and think about the whole thing.

    denise PS I also think that people that pump a lot of iron can eat all the calories they want but I don't workout with weights and don't really want to do that, I just want to walk, ride a bike or kayak. And, I now think that the note under our daily food diary totals that says you "earned X amount of calories a day" might mean that you earned those to put toward the 3500 calorie lb. you will lose?? This all just coming to me and I welcome allllllllllllll the feedback I can get;)
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Make it a lot simpler - read Helloitsdan's first post in this thread:

    It explains everything and gives you a solid starting point.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Great info!
  • caswell806
    caswell806 Posts: 42 Member
    Bump for later
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    If your total Daily Caloric Requirements are 2880 Nene then to maintain your weight you would eat 2880 a day. But if you want to lose weight, the site author suggests a 20% cut from that which would be 2880 x .20 = 576, then, you subtract 576 from 2880 and that is the amount of calories you can start out eating which is 2304 not 1200. But, these are just what I would call "starting" guidelines. Every person will need to experiment and it takes some time but basically, if you are eating 2304 calories a day and you gain a lb or 2, cut down by around 250 calories they suggest. If you are maintaining your weight you need to cut back as well. Also, if you are losing too much weight and feeling drained you may need more calories then 2304 a day. For everyone, it is good to have a professional/doctor opinion before we do any of these "experiments" including the figures MFP gives us.

    We need to be smart and informed, and especially pay attention to our own bodies because they will tell us a lot of what we need or don't need.

    hugs, denise
    Just read alot of the article.. awesome... soooo with me being 207 lbs I would have to eat around 2880, so by cutting back to 1200 without any exercise, I would lose appro 2 lbs a week.... but when I exercise I need to eat back some or most of these cals because my body physically needs them????