Struggling with Binge Eating



  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    If you are planning out your meals super super healthy with no treats then maybe try and fit a treat or two into your daily calorie intake. That way you don't feel deprived and go overboard.

    wish i could do this. but easier said than done for a lot of us.

    Not really. I've got a major self control problem and I manage. I can't buy a pint of ice cream and say "1/2 a cup two nights a week" or buy the candy miniatures and say "I'm allowed ONE per night". Yeah, the next thing I know I'm on the couch in a sugar haze covered in candy wrappers and an empty ice cream container practically licked clean.

    I never buy more than ONE serving of something. If I want a treat I buy the tiny little single serving containers of Hagen Daz or I go to Winco's bulk section and buy a tiny handful of 'cheetos'. If it's in the house, I'm GOING to eat it. I know that and I keep it out of the house. Anyone who spends any time at my place has to deal with it. If they are a good friend/love me they'll get over it and understand it's like opening a bottle in front of an alcoholic.

    that is great that you are able to do that but it's a lot harder for some of us who have had eating disorder/binge eating behaviors for years. that was what i meant by my original post as "easier said than done for a lot of us"... some people can do it, like you can, clearly. just not all of us. some of us seem to struggle with this over and over again. just depends on how good you have gotten at resisting triggers. many of us are overcome with emotional triggers and once we let ourselves have a little bit of something it can open a floodgate. there seem to be two types of people who have binging problems 1. those that can deal with a little bit in moderation and not have a problem. 2. those that can't have any of it and have to cut it out of their diet completely. i am in group #2 it seems. been playing with the idea of moderation and i seem to not be able to do it very well or very often.
  • Suaso
    Suaso Posts: 48
    I totally know where you're coming from :)

    Here's something I try to do:
    When not giving in, take whatever you're craving and divide it into 3-4 portions. Put each portion in a different place.
    Take one to eat then and set a time frame to enjoy it - five or ten minutes. If you want more you'll have to get up and get it. It'll make you aware of what you're doing and sometimes gives you enough time to realize you might be binging.
  • BobzStuff
    BobzStuff Posts: 121 Member
    I have the same problems.

    The best advice I've ever been given was the more you say no and don't give into your temptations the easier it gets so everytime I want to binge I think about that. I think about how it will be harder for me if I give in but easier for me if I don't.