Cancer pt struggling...2nd day on program

hey everyone! I'm a breast cancer survivor and a current colon cancer patient. Prior to my colon cancer dx, I was 2lbs from my goal weight. Since starting chemo close to 2 years ago, i have gained almost 70 lbs,which does nothing to help my self confidence or my overall well being. No weight loss program has worked to stabilize this gain I've experienced...I gain 2-5 lbs each treatment...treatment is every three weeks now. Since switching from a two week regimen to a three week cycle, the gain isn't quite as bad, but it still packs on. I know it's associated with chemo because every time I get a break for a length of time...6-8 weeks...the gain slows significantly or stops and stabilizes.

I refuse to let the cancer get me down, but the weight gain and chemo side effects sure do take their toll!! I have a beautiful 7-year-old daughter to live for and be a role model for!!

Anyone else with similar circumstances with tips or advice? Would love to hear from you and share stories! I've only given the highlights (lowlights!) here.


  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    My father had lung cancer and the hosptial made a nutritionist available to him. (He had a hard time keeping the weight on during his treatments and they wanted him to increase his weight). I would definitely see if this is an option for you.

    Your health--in terms of the cancer--is far more important than your weight right now.

    Good luck to you!
  • 30forApril
    30forApril Posts: 49 Member
    I had the "good cancer" last year,.. you know the one that well meaning people always say "if you're gonna get cancer this is the best to get" Thyroid cancer.. Before the discovery I had been able to lose 40 lbs, and was feeling really optimistic and motivated to work out and get back into shape.... but then it hit and now a whole thyroid removed later... I still have the desire, but I lack the motivation and discipline... my dr. had me on the correct medications and dosages but now it's my will power to keep going that I kinda lack in... i feel like i'm standing in a puddle of quick sand and as soon as I think i'm escaping, I get stuck a little deeper... I know we are not technically in the same boat, as I didn't have to do Chemo, or any type of radiation, but I think that everything plays a role in our motivation and ofcourse physical abilities... feel free to add me if you think i may be able to help you or understand you in some way! :)
  • Giggalump
    Giggalump Posts: 13
    Lisapr...thanks for the advice. I tried the nutritionist at the cancer center. She told me nothing new and nothing that I didn't already know. In fact, ahe wanted me to bump my caloric intake UP to 1800 cals from the 1500 I was eating already. I did it her way for a few weeks and gained another 6 lbs. I hope your dad had better luck.

    April...we have a lot in common...I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism a year or so before my cancer diagnosis. On nearly the right dosage of meds, I was able to shed aver 50 lbs and keep it off. My thyroid doc is convinced now that the chemo has killed my thyroid, which is a huge part of why I am unable to control my weight. My motivation to exercise is also in the trash, where before I was a gym rat and would spend over an hour every day in the gym, working with a trainer and in pretty good physical shape. The lack of exercise is aggravating, although I wouldn't say I'm completely sedentary as I am a single mom of a very active child and have the usual home ownership activities that come with the territory. I've added you to my friends (you're my first), so hopefully we can be there to support each other.

    I literally just got off the phone with a girl from college...we graduated in 1990. She is now a registered and licensed wellness coach. After talking with her for over an hour, I signed up for her program. She made an absolutely dramatic change in herself, her husband, and her clients. She is convinced she can help me achieve wellness as a cancer patient and become healthier, more energetic, and make the changes in my life that will make a difference.
  • cryptogirl
    cryptogirl Posts: 35 Member
    I feel for you and would be happy to motivate and help you along any way I can. I had a tumour removed with brain surgery last summer and finally am free of some of the post medication and treatments. My body is messed up, though and I am going to find a way to get healthier and enjoy every moment without feeling self conscious.

    Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    I hope you find the support you're looking for on here, there are great people! I know I've had my health issues and I am not and am tired of letting them get me down when other people go through their own stuff and even worse and can do it! Good luck to you! : )
  • Giggalump
    Giggalump Posts: 13
    Im so sorry about your brain tumor. Was it cancerous or benign? I walked that path with a friend that had a brain tumor so I've witnessed what it can do to a person. Let's motivate and support!!!