Im addicted to food really struggling...

So I been eating between 1200-1400 per day but It's still normal food, gamon chips, spaghetti bolegnese etc... i started this because my biggest problem was my portion size so thought if I try and get my head around my portions first then I'll move to next step of introducing more healthier foods when I feel ready... even doing this i lost 12lb in 5 weeks - i stayed the same this week, I t does sound like im a crazy woman but I loe food too much and was trying cut down,

So now I need try be 'more' healthy as my weight lost as come to a stand still anyone got any advice?

I think my food diary is public just let me know if not.

and please dont be nasty i know its not perfect and dont need be jumped on just need helpful advice.

All food I add i double check with whats on the package and find the right amount and right cals if already there x



  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    Your diary is not public. :flowerforyou:
  • captawesome
    captawesome Posts: 121 Member
    Without looking at your diary one suggestion I can make re: portion sizing is to buy a food scale. I got one a few months ago for $6 from Kmart and its awesome! It's great to know that my cereal in the morning is an exact portion size. It also helps your estimates for when it's not on hand too because you know what you're comparing too. Other than that, feel free to add me or other friends so you can stalk their diaries and steal some ideas for yourself :smile:
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    Hey i already been doing this with my 'normal' food i weigh all food once cooked, weigh my breakfast cerial etc at first the breakfast was hardest as looking at 40g i must had been eating at least 100g before counting and thats with a different thats been biggest change x
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    When I started in January I was the same way. For me the key was making changes in small steps - not all at once. First thing I started with was fluid intake. What are you drinking? Is it loaded with HFCs? If so, reduce what you currently drink in half with water and substitute healthy alternatives.

    For example I would easily drink 10 -12 oz of OJ every morning thinking it was "healthy" - then I came on MFP and got an eye opener as to how MUCH sugar I was taking in. I immediately limited it ot 4 ounces and mixed in water for the same volume - did not miss it at all. Now I don't drink ANY store bought OJ - tastes too sweet to me.

    Lots of other subs you can make in same way - unsalted nuts in place of chips, almond milk in place of regular milk, chicken in place of red meat (although I still like good, butcher shop steaks), 12 grain bread instead of white bread. etc.

    Its about being smart and finding delicious, healthy alternatives as opposed to depriving yourself - I almost see it as a game now - I love going to the market and seeing what healthy alternatives I can use - and I have found that I mainly shop the perimeter of the market now - I rarely go to the center aisles.

    If you have not see this - watch this 60 minutes report - I guarantee it will motivate you:
  • captawesome
    captawesome Posts: 121 Member
    Cereal was the shocker for me too! Fresh fruit and veggies are normally quite low in cals and can make a large meal for next to nothing. What has your sodium and water been like? I can't see them from your diary but I know that sodium in particular can be a bit nasty with me sometimes :)
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    When I started in January I was the same way. For me the key was making changes in small steps - not all at once. First thing I started with was fluid intake. What are you drinking? Is it loaded with HFCs? If so, reduce what you currently drink in half with water and substitute healthy alternatives.

    For example I would easily drink 10 -12 oz of OJ every morning thinking it was "healthy" - then I came on MFP and got an eye opener as to how MUCH sugar I was taking in. I immediately limited it ot 4 ounces and mixed in water for the same volume - did not miss it at all. Now I don't drink ANY store bought OJ - tastes too sweet to me.

    Lots of other subs you can make in same way - unsalted nuts in place of chips, almond milk in place of regular milk, chicken in place of red meat (although I still like good, butcher shop steaks), 12 grain bread instead of white bread. etc.

    Its about being smart and finding delicious, healthy alternatives as opposed to depriving yourself - I almost see it as a game now - I love going to the market and seeing what healthy alternatives I can use - and I have found that I mainly shop the perimeter of the market now - I rarely go to the center aisles.

    If you have not see this - watch this 60 minutes report - I guarantee it will motivate you:

    i have 1 coffee in morning with 2 sweetners + semi skimmed
    the rest is water which isnt new as always drank water

    ive opened my diary now so feel free to look any help is good
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    You can still eat the foods you love......I think living a healthy well rounded life is not just about portion sizes, but also about making healthy choices. Incorporate more fresh foods - learn when to eat your favorite foods (i.e. the best time to eat that pasta is right before or after a work out) - know that you can indulge sometimes without feeling guilty (I have 'cheat days' once a week - where I don't eat my normal healthy foods - I go out to eat - but still try to make healthy choices) and sometimes I just plain indulge though I'm usually under my calorie goal (last weekend I had a yummy 300 calorie slice of cake - no it's not healthy BUT it's ok once in a while).

    The 80/20 rule is something good to live by. eat well 80% of the time, and then there's the other 20% left for indulgence. :)
  • captawesome
    captawesome Posts: 121 Member
    When I started in January I was the same way. For me the key was making changes in small steps - not all at once. First thing I started with was fluid intake. What are you drinking? Is it loaded with HFCs? If so, reduce what you currently drink in half with water and substitute healthy alternatives.

    For example I would easily drink 10 -12 oz of OJ every morning thinking it was "healthy" - then I came on MFP and got an eye opener as to how MUCH sugar I was taking in. I immediately limited it ot 4 ounces and mixed in water for the same volume - did not miss it at all. Now I don't drink ANY store bought OJ - tastes too sweet to me.

    Lots of other subs you can make in same way - unsalted nuts in place of chips, almond milk in place of regular milk, chicken in place of red meat (although I still like good, butcher shop steaks), 12 grain bread instead of white bread. etc.

    Its about being smart and finding delicious, healthy alternatives as opposed to depriving yourself - I almost see it as a game now - I love going to the market and seeing what healthy alternatives I can use - and I have found that I mainly shop the perimeter of the market now - I rarely go to the center aisles.

    If you have not see this - watch this 60 minutes report - I guarantee it will motivate you:

    A very interesting report, thanks for sharing!
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    Are you exercising regularly? Your food diary does not look bad to me - it looks like your calories are good and your macros are split properly. As someone said earlier, you might want to try to get more whole type foods incorporated and less "box" foods - just healthier and more filling (IMO).

    Exercising allows you to increase your calorie intake and it turns up your metabolic engine so you burn more at rest. I like to eat too, but I know I need to exercise regularly or I will constantly feel hungry at my base calories. If you can increase your calories a bit through exercise you could incorporate more healthy fats and proteins like Avocados and nuts - these are natural hunger suppressants along with being nutrient dense and exquisitely delicious...
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    What's box foods and whole foods? Sorry I'm from uk we might just say it different? I do aqua swimming 2 times a week for 45 minutes each and I dog walk 30 mins every day x
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    Whole foods are not from a box, can, or pre packaged; i.e. fruits and veg etc... You don't log your water, is it possible that you think you drink enough but aren't really doing it consistently?

    Go to the reports section of your profile and look at a weekly report to see where you are overall and use that information to identify any areas that need to be addressed. Remember, it takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose 1 pound.

    For me, the weight came off quite easily for the first month then I stayed the same for a week, but I lost inches, a week later the weight loss came back. Remember, this is a lifestyle not a race. Stay the course, follow the MFP program and you will get the results you are looking for.
  • annebubbles
    annebubbles Posts: 83 Member
    Hi there (waving) I did NOT read your diary, but I wanted to chime in & say what has helped me... A great grasp of nutrition is a big key. I try to stay away from the GMO stuff & pre-packaged stuff like it's a plague. I have juice now as a rare & special treat, or I add a few onces to water 50/50. whereas I used to drink juices like water. I have to weigh & portion my food, because my brain usually says a portion for me is enough to feel 2-3 people. the most important thing I think that I have learned is that PROTEIN will kill my hunger. if I eat protein I am satisfied & don't need to eat ANY carbs. A dietition told me about www(dot) bariatricChoice(dot)com. I started buying protein supplements that the people who CAN NOT eat real food eat. one of the best I like is called SYNTRAX natural nectar. it is a tasty whey based protein powder (23g protein, 0 fat & 0 carbs) that mixes with water. I can use it as a snack or a meal replacement. I also found a great protein powder Hot cocoa drink (ProtiDiet) that satisfies my craving for sweets & kills my hunger at the same time. if I keep my daliy protein intake up, I don't get the desire to eat carbohydrates (which is my great downfall) and I don't have the desire to eat icecream (which is my heroin). oh, speaking of my ice cream addiction...i have started buying bags of frozen blueberries & eating them partially defrosted (think of it as big giant blueberry dipping dots). I also get a huge bag of frozen fruit mix: strawberry, mango, pineaple & peaches at my local Wal-Mart. I always have fruit in the freezer to make sugar free sorbet or just eat it half frozen like mini popcycles. anyway, those are my tricks & maybe they will help you. I hope so. remember to walk, walk, walk. I call my legs; Doctor Left & Doctor Right. humans were not made to drive around in cars! (did you watch the movie; Wally?) for all but the last 100 years or so, humans have WALKED to go anywhere. I just have to put on my sneakers & go outside. My dog is my walking coach. she keeps me at a good pace & is always ready for a long hour walk. If it's too hot or too cold, I get on my treadmill. I prefer the outdoors though. Swimming is a great calorie burn & I go swimming whenever possible. I wish & dream of the day I will have access to an indoor pool for winter months! maybe someday...
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Just takes lots of will power and determination. I was in the same boat as you at one point.
  • plr150
    plr150 Posts: 10
    Sometimes when I plateau with my weight it helps to increase my calories for a couple of days...I guess that's the idea behind the eat more weigh less thing. Also, increasing water and fiber or changing exercises may help...don't get discouraged! 12 pounds is a great loss!
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    This week is my 5th week, and its this week I stayed but looks like I've lost half inch round waist.... I know so far my diary not been great and appreciated all information that you all provided - I'm happy with 1lb a week still meabs this time next year I be 52lbs lighter... I just didn't want to carry on eating how I do oif its not right now I'm in mind frame make more changed :D
  • snowball69
    snowball69 Posts: 25 Member
    i still eat the same foods just small portions i dont eat chips an cut down on alcohol i have lost 3 stone doing it this way
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    I ate chips for first time yesterday ~ and i dont drink. LOL

    I might do whats suggested and cook more from scratch than process foods and just spend next 4 weeks just swapping things a little see if that helps i have 50-70lb to lose so in no hurry not going happen oer night so rather find something i can stick to long term than just lose weigh quick diet, as you say this is forever now cant one day start eating 2500cals a day again.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    A) Try buying a good scale as mentioned earlier, it really helps.
    B) Look up "portion plates" or use smaller dishes when serving meals. It's silly, but humans have been consistently shown to want to "fill" their plates because the larger dish makes a portion look smaller. Try serving yourself dinner in a saucer.
    C) Drink a cup of hot tea or broth shortly before dinner.
    D) Start drinking green tea, it's a known apetite supressant.
    E) If you have issues with liking really fatty or sugary foods, check out hungry girl. While I'm not a fan of some of the "fake" foods that she uses, it makes a great first step because she'll take foods you really like and let you make them in a less bad way. It just makes things easier, especially in the beginning when your body still wants what it wants.
    F) Don't give up. Seriously. Every time you fall get back up on your horse and keep going.
  • HappyHealthyCrafty
    I am a chronic overeater and LOVE food. One of the things that helped me was figuring out portion size with my scale. I've gone through many diets and thats one thing that has always helped me.

    Cook at home, make it a goal to make anything you could get in a restaurant and make it better. Better in calories and exactly what you want for your taste buds. I love cooking at home. Now if I could only get my husband to do the dishes...
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    I've gone out today and brought lots of fresh foods and tomoz going tpo be doing some batch cooking and freeze some hopefully by next week I get a good loss again :) x