What have others done to..

Darmanin Posts: 75 Member
What have others done to get away from soft drinks, chips and chocolate? ... what have others done to get used to not having those things?
Love my Coke ... huge fan and drink far too much of it. What did you do to either get used to drinking less, or what to replace it with?

Chips and chocolate are another for me :-( I have a bowl of fruit at home but always go for the rubbish and before anyone suggests not buying those things to start with .... I have a husband who will never stop bringing these things into the house as he does the grocery shopping.


  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    What have others done to get away from soft drinks, chips and chocolate? ... what have others done to get used to not having those things?
    Love my Coke ... huge fan and drink far too much of it. What did you do to either get used to drinking less, or what to replace it with?

    Chips and chocolate are another for me :-( I have a bowl of fruit at home but always go for the rubbish and before anyone suggests not buying those things to start with .... I have a husband who will never stop bringing these things into the house as he does the grocery shopping.

    If you eat less sugar you definitely crave it less.

    Since I've gone low carb and appreciate the natural sweetness of something like a bell pepper a LOT more.

    I used to mainline Coke ... Then I switched to Coke Zero ... Then I got headaches so now I'm a big fan of water and green tea ... I lapse occasionally and have a Coke Zero (and hate myself for it) but there you go.

    You may want to search for Zevia as a more natural alternative to the mainstream soda brands.

    Sorry, there is no getting away from it, cutting it way back and letting the body adjust is the best way. IMO
  • Erin959
    Erin959 Posts: 83 Member
    I was a coke drinker and I made the decision to switch to diet coke. I still drink a little too much of that, but it's better than the full strength stuff. For chocolate I buy the diet chocolate mousse and the skinny cow double chocolate ice cream so I can still get my fix. Occasionally I'll treat myself to a chocolate bar just for the hell of it. As for the chips I still haven't found a solution that works well for me. I try and stick to rice crackers but it's not the same. If you find anything I'd be interested to know as well.

    Good luck :-)
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    That's a tough one, and from what I have seen different things work for different people. My way of addressing it was to just avoid everything crap for a few days. After that a lot of the cravings subsided, and I could slowly introduce different things back in to my diet.

    Now I have the occasional gorge, but they are very few and far between. Most of the time I can happily have none, or a small amount and not worry about it.
  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    I have two tricks for getting off these foods. The first is to think of what you are really craving. If you want chocolate, you're craving something sweet. Have a piece of fresh fruit instead and it will fulfill the craving. When I want potato chips, I am craving something crunchy or salty, so I either swap it out for celery and carrots or a small handful of low-sodium pistachios. Eating something similar, but lower in calories and with more nutrients, fills you up and fulfills the craving.

    The second is to stop thinking about how good it will taste in the short-term and focus on how bad you will feel if you eat it, both the guilt and the bloating fatty feeling.

    The rest is just self discipline. Stop saying to yourself "I CAN'T eat that; I'm on a diet," and start thinking of yourself as a strong, fit person who instead will say, "I DON'T eat that; it's not good for me."

    Hope that helps!
  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    I have two tricks for getting off these foods. The first is to think of what you are really craving. If you want chocolate, you're craving something sweet. Have a piece of fresh fruit instead and it will fulfill the craving. When I want potato chips, I am craving something crunchy or salty, so I either swap it out for celery and carrots or a small handful of low-sodium pistachios. Eating something similar, but lower in calories and with more nutrients, fills you up and fulfills the craving.

    The second is to stop thinking about how good it will taste in the short-term and focus on how bad you will feel if you eat it, both the guilt and the bloating fatty feeling.

    The rest is just self discipline. Stop saying to yourself "I CAN'T eat that; I'm on a diet," and start thinking of yourself as a strong, fit person who instead will say, "I DON'T eat that; it's not good for me."

    Hope that helps!

    Great post! If you stay away from these foods in a couple of weeks your body will go through a detox and you will feel so much better.

    Also, I switched to Arizona unsweetened iced tea instead of the 1-2 diet pepsi's I was drinking a day.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I just completely quit all of these things a little over three weeks ago in one day. I haven't had any soda, chips, etc since. I know that's not very helpful, but I've kept away from it by trying a ton of different alternatives and finding things that I like. My boyfriend still had some junk in the cabinets initially but I just ignored it and set specific "replacements". Like if I wanted chips, I'll instead eat some carrots dipped in tzatziki sauce.

    I know a lot of people will say "everything in moderation" and to never 'deprive' yourself things.. but I really feel like soda and candy and chips aren't necessary in my diet and I found things that I get more nutritional value from. When you start thinking of this as your body's fuel and that it is somehow going to have to process whatever you put in it, it makes the carrots seem like a better option!
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    I just stopped drinking Diet Coke. I was shocked that I didn't have withdrawals, since I used to go through at least a 2-liter bottle a week (more during finals week and other stressful times!). But I drink more water and I'm not as thirsty. And when I'm not thirsty, I don't crave Diet Coke. As for other sweet things, I've just swapped them out for healthier sweet things. I love vanilla Greek yogurt. It's sweet enough to satisfy my sweet tooth, but it's not junk food. Bananas are also good for satisfying a sweet craving. As for chips, try having baked kinds or swap them out for whole-grain pretzels or a handful of nuts.

    And stick with the healthy eating. Eventually, you'll automatically reach for the heathy stuff instead of the junk. I don't crave junk food anymore and don't even think to buy it when I'm in the store. An amazing thing from someone who (very recently) used to wolf down a full-sized bag of chips without thinking twice
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    this is what i found works for me with chocolate... i treat myself to one lindt truffle a day. it is 70 calories, and gives me my chocolate fix. knowing i only get one, i learned to savor it, i only eat it sitting down so i am not distracted by the phone, tv, or computer, so i can really enjoy it. the family knows they are mine and keep their hands off. and i found myself, after two weeks or so, not really even having that one piece daily.

    so, my advice would be to treat yourself to something. i'm not much of a soda drinker, but maybe pour it from the bottle or can in to a glass and treat it like fine wine. or get super good chips and limit yourself to one handful. never eat chips or anything out of the bag.

    of course, this all takes will power, but lack of will power got me to my heaviest weight ever.

    good luck.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I mix tropicana 50 OJ with a can of diet ginger ale. I find it is very good as a thirst quencher, and I get just enough of the bubble/soda feel from the ginger ale, and it is low cal. Works good with diet cranberry juice too.
  • Magnamus
    Magnamus Posts: 66 Member
    I quit drinking everything except for water and coffee (Organic beans-fresh grounds, black) 6 months ago.

    After week, I didn't crave pop, juice or even ginger ale (which i used to love, now it taste too sweet)
    I don't drink any alcohol so i didn't change anything there.

    You don't have to stop everything but try a week or two without and then do what you wish. If you find you still love the beverages; then let them be part of your balanced diet with MFP.

    I get my vitamins and minerals with my food and supplements. Veggies and fruit taste way better now too, my taste buds seem to have adapted to less sweetness intensity.
  • Byemma
    Byemma Posts: 55
    I have never drank pop/soda, I don't like the bubbles. For the chocolate, I never really bought a lot of it, unless I was at my period. My housemate is allergic to chocolate, so we don't buy it. I only have chocolatesprinkles for breakfast on a slice of bread, so I still get some chocolate, haha.
    I can have one portion chips every week, during a movie or something. When I do crave chips, I usually am just craving something crunchy and I substitute it with for example cucumber or red bell pepper.

    Good luck!
  • Darmanin
    Darmanin Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you all for your replies.
    Thank you for the suggestions on the subsitutes.

    I have tried before to stop drinking coke but the longest I think was 4 weeks ... and when I'm really upset about something I can drink 2 litres of the stuff a day. (gross I know).

    I always knew there was a truck load of sugar in coke but seeing in here when I add it to show how much I should have a day and how one can puts me over the daily limit is a little scary.