Two Year Anniversary in Onederland

JeanneTops Posts: 2,620 Member

This week is my second anniversary of being in Onderland.

I joined MFP in December 2009. I had to lose 43 pounds to get to Onderland, I've lost 53 pounds since then. I've had an even more important success since then - reaching a healthy BMI - but reaching Onderland was an important mental milestone for me - having that number "1" at the beginning of my weight helped me to start letting go of my negative self-images.

A lot of people post their successful weight losses here on this forum. I congratulate you all because I know how much effort is it change that much and you should all feel very proud.

But for me, that feeling of success is just starting to bloom. You see, I've done this before - lost large amounts of weight and then gained it all back. To go two years, to have lost more weight, to still be living a healthy life - eating clean and exercising lots - that's my success. And I know I'm going to have to continue working hard for the rest of my life to keep it.

So, for all of you who are on your second or third or fourth go-around - this is for you. You can keep the changes you've made, your success won't have to end. My advice is: do it for yourself and do it one day at a time.

I know there are a few MFP'ers around who are on their second, third, fourth and more anniversaries. I'd love to hear your stories as well!



  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Congrats on all your success and sticking with it!!! That is some amazing dedication and determination you have there. Happy anniversary!!! :drinker:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    I just love you, Jeanne. :heart:
  • cdm1221
    cdm1221 Posts: 7
    Great post!! Felt like you were speaking to me. Like you said, losing the weight isn't the hard's keeping it off by not reverting to old habits. Realizing it's a lifelong change and embracing it. I hope to be able to report similar losses at the end of the year and next year be able to say I'm still maintaining :)
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Yay, Jeanne! So happy to know you.
  • Overboard_Eater
    Overboard_Eater Posts: 105 Member
    Awesome! That is my biggest goal, to keep the weight off and maintain an exercise plan. Thanks for the inspiration :)
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Congrats. This is what it truly means to being successful at weight loss. Being able to maintain or improve your health for an extended period of time. Well done.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    You are such a wonderful encouragment and motivation you are to me, and others!! Congrats on 2 years healthier!:love:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • bjmurray55
    bjmurray55 Posts: 6 Member
    That is great, you should be very proud and on top of the world!!!

    Yes I can lose weight easily enough, keeping it off is the challenge!! I too have lost and gained numerous times in my adult life!!
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