Diet coke

So what is everyones take on diet coke??Im addicted i drink A LOT if i had to choose food or diet coke with out a second of hesitation i would choose diet coke!! My bf seems to think and is constantly telling me if i stopped drinking it i would lose more weight. What do you guys think?Do you think it is as bad as regular soda, if i stoppeddrinking it or drank less i could lose more weight, or do you think its fine to drink??


  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    i love diet coke! regular coke is gross
  • a00link
    The two sides of the coin are this;

    Regular Soda contains High Fructose Corn Syrup, a really bad form of sugar that will give you the pounds and calories you don't want.

    Diet Soda contains Aspartame, a man-made chemical that some people believe to be bad for you. I've never seen a truly successful study on proving that Aspartame has any negative effects although people out there will still vouch for it. I'm not saying it isn't possible, but hell, no matter what, it seems to be treating me fine.

    I almost don't drink regular soda anymore. Once in a GREAT GREAT while I might have some classic Mountain Dew but once I got over my dislike of the taste of Diet, I began liking the various flavors. I usually drink Pepsi products but when it comes to a Diet Cherry Cola, Cherry Coke Zero wins hands down with me. I just tried that Diet Cranberry Sierra Mist today and that was really good too.

    Oh, another argument I've seen about how DIet soda will "cause you to gain weight" is because some people are foolish enough to believe that because their drink with their meal has 0 calories, they can eat more food. I don't know how many people actually try to practice this but my food is my food and my drink is my drink. I've never had that problem. I've been drinking diet for a while now, I'm pretty healthy and I'm losing weight.

    My cousin, who is in the science field, said that even if Aspartame was harmful, you'd have to consume inhuman amounts of it daily for a long time for it to have any real effect. Take that with a grain of salt but like I said, I'm all for the diet sodas.

    If you stopped drinking diet coke, my personal belief is that it wouldn't matter unless two things... 1.) You're drinking so much of it daily that the small amount of sodium found in it, actually becomes a lot in your system for the day. This could make you hold water. or 2.) You are drinking a ton of soda and not enough water. I drink my soda but I still have over 8 glasses of water a day to ensure I get my pure fluids. So as long as your 8 glass minimum of water isn't 6 glasses of soda and 2 of water, and is more like 6 glasses of soda and 8+ of water, then I'd say you'd be fine.

    I'm no professional in nutrition or anything but this is my experience and knowledge. Drink and be happy.
  • faile486
    faile486 Posts: 21 Member
    I don't think diet soda has an effect on weight loss, unless you're misusing it, as a00link stated.

    Personally, I can't stand it =p I grew up on diet caffeine free soda, but started drinking the regular stuff when I was a teenager. I just can't go back to diet. Instead I've virtually eliminated soda from my diet. I've got sleep issues, so the elimination of caffeine in my diet was important. If I want something other than water I drink non-caffeinated tea, or milk.

    For anyone who wants a high flavor, low caffeine, low calorie alternative to soda, I really recommend trying tea = ) It took me a while to find one I liked, but I'm glad I did!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I remember reading in my research on this that carbonated drinks during meals may tend to make you eat more at a meal as the bubbles stimulate enzymes in your stomach (or something like that) and make you not feel full. I try to drink water during meals, but drink diet throughout the day. As far as water intake, because I could down a 2 liter bottle of diet soda in a heartbeat, I alternate between a bottle of water and a glass of soda. That way, I feel like I'm evening things out. The downside to sodas (diet or otherwise) is that it seems to deplete your calcium. So just make sure you are either taking a supplement or getting a decent amount of calcium, plus strength training. You are going to need those bones later :)
  • candessb
    candessb Posts: 52 Member
    I've often wondered this myself. My thinking is, if it's too good to be true than it probably is. Chemicals, whether they help you lose weight or not, can not be good for you liver or kidneys. I imagine if you drink it a lot your gonna do some damage and may hinder your bodily functions such as weight loss. Not to mention the acidic nature of soda which is definately harmfull to tooth enamel. I cut back on Diet Coke myself and have noticed I've started to break my plateau. I suggest cutting back and see what's gonna be a healthy move not matter what.
  • reefkeeper
  • dmbgal
    I've read on nutrition sites that it is not good to drink too much diet soda because it stimulates cravings for sweet things... Try googling it. Quite a few articles will come up (some more reputable than others).
  • julee2010
    Mmmm, I LOVE some Diet Coke. Especially from a can. A nice, cold can. I too, am addicted, and nothing matches it. I don't drink it every day, like I used to, because I wanted to cut down on the carbonation and caramel color for some reason. I never craved more sweets because of Diet Coke, but everyone is different. I've read all about how Diet drinks are bad because of Aspartame, but there are reports on how everything is bad for some reason or another. Moderation is, I believe, the key. :)
  • jhall1980
    My theory (& this is just my theory) is...

    Before I was really determined to lose weight I drank a lot of pepsi. I could go through a 2 liter myself in a day. I couldn't go a day without it. Then I started drinking water. It has been about a month & a half since I started my "diet". I stopped drinking pop & I have drank nothing but water since. & now I LOVE water. I have lost 16 pounds & I feel awesome.

    From what I have heard (& this is just what I have heard), whatever they put in diet pops makes you more hungry. I don't like the way they taste anyways so i'll stick with my water.

    I read if you replace every glass of pop with a glass of water you can lose 50 pouns in a year just from doing so. I am well on my way :o)
  • janicem
    I have noticed that when I do drink Diet Coke, I can't lose weight. Two weeks ago, I decided to cut it out of my diet completly.. I had bad headaches but after the initial 4 days of being off the stuff, I feel great!! The inches started to come off. I do not know the science behind whether Diet is good for you but I know that it is not good for my body! I realized it once when I decided to give up pop for Lent and with out even changine anything else, I lost 10lbs. :smile:
  • Arleah
    Arleah Posts: 15
    I don't know about weightloss, but as a dental hygienist I can say without a doubt that all pop/soda diet or otherwise are bad bad bad bad for your teeth!!!!!
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    I have read some things on diet soda that agree with the theory that drinking it while eating makes you eat more. I gave up carbonated beverages all together a while ago but I didn't notice a huge difference in my weight loss. What I HAVE noticed (and research supporting this is why i decided to give it up) is that my cellulite is less noticeable. I have very bad cellulite, not just on my butt lol it goes all the way down the back of my legs and the front, but it has gotten so much better since I gave up diet coke (i gave up the real thing when i started losing weight). Do your research, but deicde whats best for you. If you use diet coke successfully to stave off snacking then i say keep drinking it, just make sure you get your water in too.