Lose ten pounds by Jan 31, 2010 (7 weeks) Group??

lulubenmom Posts: 45
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Anyone interested in joining me for motivational support to lose ten pounds by Jan 31, 2010? I"m a 38yo mom of a 3yo and 18 month old. Hoping to get very near to my pre-pregnancy weight.

I'm 5ft2

Starting weight 143 lb (Jan this year - May)
Current weight 125 lb
Goal weight 115 lb

Eating lot's of lean protein, vege, salad meals. Keeping carbs mostly for the morning. Working out 6 x per week. 2 x weights, 4 x cardio.

Hardest hurdle - going out for meals and the drinks that go with it.

a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker"><img border="0" src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/ticker/show/18/6936/186936.png&quot; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>


  • Im in! Im in the same situation! You look great though! Pre Preg i was 100-107

    Now- 112-114
    Goal- 105
    32-25-36 (oh if my breast would just grow!) lol
  • Great & thanks, shall we do a check-in next Sunday night see how we went for the week?

    I was 110 before 2 babies.

    35-27-36 - had the chest repaired! lol so worth it!

    You're teeny tiny :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'll join.

    Starting Weight: 248
    Current weight: 233
    Goal: 220 (by Jan 31)
    I'm a 5'6" mom to 17 mo old girl :)
  • I'd love to join! I am working on losing all my weight and getting back to where I was before I had my son. I lose weight very quickly so I am hoping to lose more than the 10 lbs.

    Starting Weight - 292
    Current Weight - 288
    Mini Goal - 268 (By Jan. 31)
    Goal Weight - 175

    I am a 6' mother to a 2 year old little boy. I want to get healthy again for myself and my family.
  • romero2006da
    romero2006da Posts: 48 Member
    I'm in.....Got to lose some more weight for college graduation in May 2010.

    Starting Weight=239 lbs in July 2009

    Current Weight=212 lbs in Dec. 2009

    Goal for Jan 31, 2010=202 lbs

    I will checkin Next Sunday Evening. Good luck everyone!
  • I have diastasis from my two pregnancies so I started the Tupler technique today too. Basically sucking in the stomach whenever I think of it and at times sitting and concentrating on sucking it back into the spine x 100 and wearing a stretchy belt around the stomach. If you want to know more about it, you can google it and find lot's of info.

    Worked out really well today. I wear a gadget on my arm called an epulse and it tells me how many calories I burned. I burned 1,000 today, which is a lot more than normal! Now I'm debating on whether I eat all those exercise calories or not.... I think I might not and do a zig zag to try and bust out of my plateau.
  • bump
    Came in at 124lb yesterday, giving me a 1 pound loss for the week. I thought I'd do better considering the amount of exercising I did. I'm becoming suspicious of my HRM, I think it might be overstating the calories. I've decided to buy a Body Bugg so I can get a more accurate reading and sort out the food/burn ratio.

    Hubby made a delicious Turkey Bolognese tonight, just went back for 2nds, so way over today's allowance. Hopefully if I increase the deficit tomorrow I won't gain!

    How'd did you all do?
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