Gaining while on Insanity??

So I'm almost done with the 2nd week of Insanity- I started at 154.8 and I'm not 157!! Can someone please explain to me what's going on... I'll admit that my last weekend wasn't so great- I went to Minneapolis with my boyfriend for our year anniversary- we did drink and we did eat- but we worked out and walked a lot and the rest of the week was good though. I'm not understanding what I'm doing wrong- I see all these people getting great results and I have been gaining. Any help/advice or anything would be great!! Getting realllly discouraged


  • drmryder
    drmryder Posts: 181 Member
    Give it time. Your body is just retaining water while it gets used to the whoop *kitten* workout you are doing. You will find that the weight will come back off and keep coming off.
  • charlottegreen33
    charlottegreen33 Posts: 4 Member
    this is why i tell people to stay off the scale!
    so much is happening to your body esp with insanity. muscle weighs more than fat, and you are building muscle. while you are building muscle your weight will go up, as it takes some time for the new muscles to metabolize the old fat. because why? muscle burns more fat. so you have a layover period where you are building muscle but the fat isn't melting off.

    here's the thing, how are your clothes fitting, can you tell a difference? did you do before measurements per the program and if so have you noticed a change in inches things like that.

    i did chalean extreme and gained the first month *which she warned would happen* and lost it all and then some by the final month along with 10% body fat. just stick with it. i have a friend on insanity right now who refuses to use the sacle and has lost over 6 inches on her waist.

    inches are a better measurement then the scale.
  • cunfewzed1
    cunfewzed1 Posts: 80
    measure instead of weigh. Waist, hips, arm, thigh, neck. The tale of the tape.
  • luvhandles74
    luvhandles74 Posts: 85 Member
    Yes measurements are your friend!
  • bwmiller1
    bwmiller1 Posts: 98
    I used clothes and belts as my gauge. I did threaten the scale with a nod to the window. That helped! lol. But yes, your body is changing (for the better).
  • Katemarie34
    Katemarie34 Posts: 144 Member
    Thank you guys for the response! I wasn't even thinking about the muscle thing or seeing how my clothes fit, they are fitting a ltitle lose but think i wasn't paying attention to that because of the scale- I like that idea of not having the scale until the end- I'm going to have my boyfriend take it so I don't look at it lol That's really nice to hear that people have gained on it too the first few weeks- i see all these people losing a ton already