
I am thinking about doing a 5 day detox diet? What do you think about them? Good, Bad?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I am thinking about doing a 5 day detox diet? What do you think about them? Good, Bad?

    I have yet to see any significant evidence that special diets are responsible for removing toxins from your system, nor have I heard anyone name what specific toxins they are removing by using said diet.

    My belief is that they just aren't necessary, but I'm happy to look at evidence suggesting otherwise, if anyone has any.

    EDIT: In my opinion-- In most cases, you could stop eating crap, eat more fiber and veggies, drink lots of water, and you'll probably produce the same effect as most of these cleanse diets anyways, without having to eat cabbage soup or stick a bunch of kale in a blender.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    If it makes you feel better, go for it. Personally I'm not convinced there's much in them but if you want to drink water and eat spinach for five days I won't stop ya! Watch out for the caffeine withdrawal though, it's a kicker.
  • kashmirdreamer
    kashmirdreamer Posts: 31 Member
    Agreed. I did a 7 day detox where you only ate certain foods, then regained all the weight in one day (probably just water weight haha)! I've lost more just sticking with my calorie goals and I can enjoy foods I want, instead of craving and obsessing over them for seven days, then binging at the end. I agree with Sidesteal about just reducing your "crap" or trying to eat clean for a week instead. That would probably be most effective of ridding of "toxins" from processed foods.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    It depends on your goal. I'm a fan of "reset" diets or something to kickstart a healthy eating plan that involves copious amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables and lots of water. These are nice after a vacation or period of time eating lots of processed junk.
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    If your organs weren't getting rid of all the stuff that distresses them, by gosh, you would know about it. Detoxes exist to a. make lots of money for people selling special kits and/or b. for you to be able to look at a scale and see it 3kg lighter in less than a week. Neither are going to be of any real benefit in the long run.
  • issystclaire
    issystclaire Posts: 113 Member
    I am thinking about doing a 5 day detox diet? What do you think about them? Good, Bad?

    I have done detox's in the past and I would highly reccomend it. Of course, it depends on which system you are using, but imo the ones that you should be looking at are only those that are organic/all natural. The one I have used in the past consisted of herbal supplements taken in the morning and night (baically like vitamins, just vitamins that detox your body.)

    Your detox should be taken alongside your current food and exercise regimes though, NOT IN PLACE of it. Unless it is for a special reason (religous, etc) fasting should never be used as a way to loose weight.

    When I have done mine, I didn't necessarily see such a huge impact on weight loss, it was more of a way to boost my current overall sense of wellbeing and it also helped boost my energy levels as well.

    I also do things on a weekly basis which promote detoxing, such as using lemon in my water and herbal teas. Detox in general is just a great way to keep your body and organs fit and healthy.
  • Damiilla
    Damiilla Posts: 66
    Your liver does the job of detoxify your body already. A lot of detox diets deny your body from the nutrients it actually needs as well.

    However, some detox diets just urge you to eat clean, organic foods. It depends on the diet really.