Nike Training Club?



  • iolulu
    iolulu Posts: 1
    @zeezee1983 650 calories? U serious? I have been doing 2 15min workouts per day, so u telling me I'm burning 1300 cal? Seriously?
  • zeezee1983
    zeezee1983 Posts: 7 Member
    Seriously you'll be amazed! Yes you would burn all those cals seriously invest in a calorie counting watch it takes your heart beats into count & tells you how many cals you've burned! I normally do 1 1/2 hrs with Nike training I burn about 1100 cals a day I workout 6 days a week
  • zeezee1983
    zeezee1983 Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry I mean 315 cals burned on the 15mins Nike
  • lkopps
    lkopps Posts: 1
    I put my iPod on a dock set up so I can see how much time and what's next. It works good because I can hear the music better than just using the iPod speaker too.
  • JenniferDent_CHC
    JenniferDent_CHC Posts: 35 Member
    I just started using it a few weeks ago and I love the excercises. I use 8 and 10 lb dumbells and a 4 lb medicine ball. I love that I can do the workouts right in my bedroom. Like someone else posted, I put my phone in my sound dock and turn the tv on to a music channel and go!

    How often do you all do the workouts? There isn't a recommended schedule so do you do them daily? I've been doing them about 3x a week, but if I could get faster results I would do them daily! :)
  • It pretty much kicks my *kitten* everytime but I love it :)
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Is Nike Training Club available on Android?
  • JennieB19
    JennieB19 Posts: 7 Member
    Most of the exercises that it gives us aren't even on here. How would I track them?
  • I'm new to fitness pal so it's kinda frustrating when I try to track my exercise (I also use Nike training center app on my I phone and I absolutely love it ) but how do you enter your exercise correctly it just keeps telling me no match I also do not have a hrm so I do not know how many calories I am burning . Does any body know I do the sweat and shape workout 30 minutes 3,or 4 times a week . I know I really need to invest in a Hrm . I am dedicated to loosing weight , eating healthier , and working out . Maybe it would help to have more experience with the my fitness pal but if there are any tips any one can give me that would be great . Thanks
  • txjpeach
    txjpeach Posts: 4
    That app is amazing!! I guess I will add 300 calories the next time I use it so I don't go over. I would rather input under the calories than inputing more calories and eating too many calories.
  • I use it religiously! Its difficult, but i can see results without even leaving my house!! :) Great app!!!
  • vcimianu
    vcimianu Posts: 1
    I'm an active guy who is in relatively decent shape, and I just started using the Nike Training Center app. Though the app is targeted at females, the workouts themselves are entirely uni-sex and I have been using similar routines in my non-NTC workouts. If you are familiar with Tough Mudder, the circuit-style, time-based training they recommend to prepare for that event is similar to several of the workouts in NTC. And based on the fact that there is a minimal amount of equipment required, and that the workouts can be completed in your home, I couldn't recommend it more. Bear in mind, I am looking to define, strengthen, and tone existing musculature, as well as increase my overall stamina. This app is not designed to significantly increase muscle mass or bulk up. You'll need more weight and gym for that. And granted, I 'm still a member of my local gym, but if I can get the results that I am looking for using this app in combination with long distance running, I will very seriously consider canceling my membership. Excellent work Nike.
  • louthelion
    louthelion Posts: 1 Member
    i exercise 6 or 7 times a week and eat healthily religiously - I don't have a hrm but when I do the nike work outs I don't find them as hard as my average run or gym I don't really think I burn 300 calories? Really confused with this one because I want to be able to track my calories accurately without forking out cash for a watch :(
  • I have the exact same query! I'm starting to think it doesn't work accurately however I don't want to have to pay a lot of money!
  • onaa
    onaa Posts: 5 Member
    I use it. I mainly do the ab and core exercises.
  • I LOVE THIS APP!!! I have lost 25lbs in 4 months using this app and of course eating healthy. the sweat & shape kicks my butt still! LOL im thinking of trying a 45 min workout but have been very curious as to how many calories i burn or will burn with a longer workout...i know a heart rate monitor is the only real way to know for sure but an average is nice anyway...i highly reccommend this app to ANYONE! even if you cant do the whole workout from the start just keep doing as much as you can and you will b amazed at the results you see! and to everyone asking about the placement of your phone...i just sit mine on a table near me...u can glance at it if you need to at first but u will get used to workouts and the woman tells u exactly what to do how long to do it and how long you have left on each workout along with some "encouraging" words here and JUST DO IT!!!!! ;)
  • HAHA looks like i need to start using myfitnesspal weight isnt accurate!!
  • gitana11
    gitana11 Posts: 5 Member
    i have been using NTC app for lil over a month now its great ! i started doing the 30 min set but i now do 45 min i also use the bonus workouts i have done close to 700 mins and iam a WARRIOR ( you get bonus reward bagdes ) i see a difference in my body .. much stronger i can do a full 2 mins of burpees .. when i started i could barely do 5 ! no need to join a class i do it at home ! i add the calories under - cardio - circuit training. seems to be accurte
  • Determined24
    Determined24 Posts: 137 Member
    Just downloaded it.... I am excited to see what changes will happen to me yay!!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Is Nike Training Club available on Android?

    No im afraid not. only on iphone.
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