Bikram yoga??



  • luchien
    luchien Posts: 15
    Also, I have done Barkan, Moksha, and Bikram methods. By far Moksha or Barkan were the best. If you have any studios offering those methods instead I reccomend them over Bikram.

    Thanks for the info what makes the other two better?

    Barkan and Moksha methods have more variety of poses, and many classes start the same and do have similar flows they also add in ab work and each class is a bit different. Bikram has the same 26 postures and I started to get sick of it. Also every Bikram studio I have gone to has carpet... and carpet plus sweat smells really bad. I would see if there is more than one hot yoga studio around and do a few classes at each to see what you prefer and if you like the hot room they have.
  • tnrmy1
    tnrmy1 Posts: 2
    But Bikram yoga is done in a lighted room with continuous verbal instruction from teacher. There is not much quiet about it..
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    But Bikram yoga is done in a lighted room with continuous verbal instruction from teacher. There is not much quiet about it..

    the studio I went to had very low lighting and the instructors were very low key and it was very quiet. it was great
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Bikram has copyrighted his routine and the studios claiming to be Bikram Yoga have to run things a very particular way. A lot of knock-offs and non-BY yoga studios do heated yoga or "unofficial" BY classes. A lot of times people don't even realize what they're doing isn't really Bikram.

    I love it but it's too expensive and too much of a time-sucker. I didn't lose weight on it but I found a lot of other benefits.