Just found out I'm "skinny fat"... and Hi!

I've been lurking here for about a week, and using the MFP mobile app for right around two weeks. I thought I would introduce myself because I've seen several threads I wanted to post on, but nobody wants a newbie just jumping in like they own the place, lol.

Quick obligatory back story: I was bulemarexic for most of my teenage years, weighed 99lbs at 5'7" at my lowest. Luckily my parents found a good therapist and those issues are completely gone now, except in unusual times of extreme duress. And even then they subside pretty quickly afterwards.

I had never lost weight in a healthy way until last year, when I started using the SparkPeople app on my phone. I started counting calories, eating healthier, and worked out all summer, I'm not sure how much I lost all total (around 10lbs I believe) but the change in my body was more important to me than anything. I couldn't believe I could control my weight like that in a healthy way. I'd like to say I didn't just do it to look good in a swimsuit on our vacation in September, but apparently I did because when we got home I just quit exercising and slowly went back to not paying attention to my food. I also quit using SP, mostly due to not loving the website and the food tracker being much more difficult to use, then I found MFP and I love it.

Funny thing is, I LOVE to exercise and I really enjoy more nutritious foods. I just fall off the wagon every now and then apparently. I want this to be a real sustainable lifestyle change though, and I'm determined to make it stick.

After lurking here for a minute I've realized that my subconscious was right, I don't need to lose much weight, I just need to tone what I have and I would like to lower my body fat %. And, I also now have a word for that... "Skinny Fat"! Love it, explains it perfectly. :)

So skipping to today, I'm about to turn 30, I actually feel better about myself now than I ever have, and my new goal is to be ~140lbs (5'8") and much more toned. I'm 147 right now, down from 150ish a few weeks ago.

So, after that quick long story... Hi!


  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    Welcome! Congratulations on the weight struggles you have overcome and your effort to realize where you need to be! Being underweight, or skinny fat, or having eating disorders, is just as hard to overcome as being obese... well, I have never been underweight or bulmerexic, but it is a struggle with health just the same.

    Anyway - I hope you find all the support and motivation you need to continue to your healthy lifestyle!
  • ktwest2107
    ktwest2107 Posts: 124 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm also "skinny fat" and I'm working on getting my body tighter :) Welcom!
  • Licentia29
    Thanks for the welcomes! I added you kt, thanks! I also updated my profile, now to add a picture so I don't look like a shapeless albino anymore.