Protein failure!

I don't get halfway to my protein. I really can't have any meats or dairy, and I do add almond spread or peanut butter to my granola bar (my version of a pb sandwich) I have quinoa, I have textured veggie protein to add to soups. I have to have restricted fat also. So that kills most protein bars, shakes, or other sources for me. I make bean soups, but seriously. I get tired of this. Any other things I am missing? :huh:


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Not sure why you can't have meats and dairy, but can you have fish or eggs. Both are very good protein sources. Tofu, nuts and seeds are also option.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Not sure why you can't have meats and dairy, but can you have fish or eggs. Both are very good protein sources. Tofu, nuts and seeds are also option.


    I wouldn't really count tofu. Soy protein is pretty much useless.
  • Brandyr73
    Brandyr73 Posts: 9
    Very little fish (my cheater food) no eggs. It is a health issue and I don't tolerate them very well. I try to add the seeds/nuts but these are high in fat. I am limited to under 30 grams of fat a day (again that health issue) and after my almond or peanut butter I don't have much left, especially as quickly as 2 ore 3 grams here and there add up when my max is so low.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    get some protein powder
  • jldunn713
    jldunn713 Posts: 41 Member
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    protein powder, broccoli, brown rice and beans. I don't eat meat and never have a problem. All the best. :)
  • Plentiful_Tentacles
    get some protein powder

    Most protein powders are derived from milk though.
  • jldunn713
    jldunn713 Posts: 41 Member
    vegan protein powders (rice, pea, hemp) and get friendly with beans!
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    I like special K protein water :-) and special k products in general!
  • Brandyr73
    Brandyr73 Posts: 9
    Perfect. Thank you! I figured it existed, but some of that stuff is so nasty, I wanted to know of a palatable kind!:drinker:
  • Brandyr73
    Brandyr73 Posts: 9
    I have so many kinds of dried beans. I need to get more creative with them, though. Gets boring. Fresh produce being in season is going to be a huge help.
  • Brandyr73
    Brandyr73 Posts: 9
    Does that protein water have artificial sweetners? I have a form of liver disease that makes dairy, meats, and artificial sweetners a no-no.
  • leo02098
    leo02098 Posts: 106 Member
    Hemp nut is especially high in protien! It's great because you can make hemp "milk" and use it as a sub for dairy products as well. You can get Hemp Protien powder as well. It's dairy free, soy free and gluten Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods & Oils. They have a great line up of hemp products.
  • claw0416
    claw0416 Posts: 95
    I have so many kinds of dried beans. I need to get more creative with them, though. Gets boring. Fresh produce being in season is going to be a huge help.

    One type of protien drink that does not consist of milk I use is Bio can make ice cream out of it, It doesn't taste too bad especially after not having sweets in awhile..

    Also beans..beans and more beans...have you ever had taco soup..All it is, is a million different types of beans mixed with tomatoe juice or sauce, lean ground beef, and a pack of taco seasonings.. I have not made it since I went to eating healthier, so you may want to check into the cals, and fats. If anything you could possibly be cerative and change things around and get ground turkey or chicken..
    good luck...It sounds like you have a big challenge ahead of you with the medical issues playing into it..
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    A couple of things not mentioned already - Seitan & Quorn
  • StubethyAlice
    can you eat wheat? whole wheat bread is very high in protein.
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    Not sure why you can't have meats and dairy, but can you have fish or eggs. Both are very good protein sources. Tofu, nuts and seeds are also option.


    I wouldn't really count tofu. Soy protein is pretty much useless.

    If I read it correctly, that person's blog post was about soy-isolate protein powder. A highly processed form of soy. Tofu is a relatively unprocessed form of soy - obviously not as unprocessed as soybeans (edemame) but the protein is much more usable in the body.

    Tempeh is higher in protein that Tofu so try adding some of that when you're tired of beans/lentils. There are also vegan protein powders out there that are not soy based, but are instead based on pea proteins, hemp proteins. Very digestible. One is use is sweetened with Stevia though, not sure if you can have that.
  • questiontheanswers
    questiontheanswers Posts: 170 Member
    I don't know how you feel about lentils, but I love this: Just ate this for lunch over spinach. One and a half servings of it comes to 288 calories and 18 grams of protein. Plus it's ridiculously filling.

    There are SO many ways to dress up quinoa and couscous, etc. so as to not get bored. I like to take quinoa, black beans, mushrooms, corn, etc., and throw it all together with some seasonings. Good hot or cold. I also have been making quinoa mixed with sweet potato cubes, onion, mushroom ( I make some changes to it depending on my mood (like i sometimes throw in kale massaged in a little bit of olive oil during the last 15 minutes or so) but it is delicious. I recommend going over to and typing in whatever you've got on hand to work with and seeing what it comes up with. They have a TON of recipes to try out.

    Good luck!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Very little fish (my cheater food) no eggs. It is a health issue and I don't tolerate them very well. I try to add the seeds/nuts but these are high in fat. I am limited to under 30 grams of fat a day (again that health issue) and after my almond or peanut butter I don't have much left, especially as quickly as 2 ore 3 grams here and there add up when my max is so low.

    You need to eat SOMETHING. Nuts are good healthy fats - just very calorie dense so you have to watch them carefully.

    If you can't eat eggs, can you eat egg WHITES (or eggbeaters)? They're pure protein.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I LOVE lentil soup and have a nice recipe for a red lentil salad (red lentils, a dressing, onions, raisins). I also eat red lentils with yoghurt.

    How about bean sprouts?