NEED for friends to do the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge w/

Hi MFPers,

I am looking to add supportitve and caring friends to my list that are doing the Body by Vi 90 day health challenge.
I am doing really good so far I am almost a week into it.
I was in Miami on vacation and you won't believe I lost 3 pounds WOW.
I will be doing my diaries (food and exercise) so I hope my friends will do the same.


  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    Hi MFPers,

    I am looking to add supportitve and caring friends to my list that are doing the Body by Vi 90 day health challenge.
    I am doing really good so far I am almost a week into it.
    I was in Miami on vacation and you won't believe I lost 3 pounds WOW.
    I will be doing my diaries (food and exercise) so I hope my friends will do the same.

    HI still looking for friends.....
  • totheextreme
    I started BBV on June 28 and have lost six pounds. Going a little slower than anticipated for me, but I'm pleased I'm actually sticking to it (for a change!). I'd love to support each other during our progress. I'm 48 years old, 5'8" and currently 176, with a goal weight of 150. I travel a lot for my job, so not sure how I'm going to handle that. I'm going to be in Dallas for a week the first of August and am already worried!