Not losing any pounds

I have been counting my calories, I have been doing my herbalife and I do my aerobics for at least 10 minutes a day everyday. I am not happy with the results I got as far as my weight goes I gained 2 pounds :( but I lost 3 inches so I know that is good. But I don;t know why the scale doesn't agree also any tips would be great


  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Have patience.

    Inches lost > weight loss.
  • MarkAWhipple
    MarkAWhipple Posts: 77 Member
    You're losing fat when you lose inches and gaining muscle. If you're like me (I hope you are not!) then you have a lot of bulk you're moving around. I have been losing very little weight (none since i started this but I only just started this week) but everything is thinner. Fat replaced with muscle means you have a very nice payoff waiting for you down the road! Keep it up!!
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member

    Track your progress through inches not pounds.

    Exercising (something your body is probably not used to) and eating the proper amount of protein will give you more lean body mass (which is muscle, and weighs more)

    congrats on 3 inches lost that is amazing!

    As far as scales go, you can go anywhere from as many as 5 pounds different every day or hour of the day, ive seen up to 8 pounds of water weight after a heavy work out, because your muscles are retaining water.

    Best advice weigh yourself in the morning after using the rest room, every morning if you wish or once a week on like a wednesday. Every morning may get you discouraged, because scales are retarded they account for TOTAL Weight not water muscle or fat.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get yourself a kitchen scale. You could be eating more then you think.
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    Have patience.

    Inches lost > weight loss.

    Inches lost = fat loss (Corrected)
  • ShelleyD81
    ShelleyD81 Posts: 237 Member
    I lost inches before I lost weight, it'll come off just keep at it! :flowerforyou:
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Although I have not measured myself but for the last 3 months my weight has stayed exactly the same but I have dropped a pant size and people are noticing. Who gives a shiznit what the scale says!!!??? And agreed with the food scale comment. We don't really realize how much we are really eating. those are eye opening!!!
  • lizzardsm
    lizzardsm Posts: 271 Member
    Wow! 3 inches is a lot of fat lost! You should definitely be proud of that and more focused on how your clothes are feeling rather than the scale numbers. The scale will catch up.

    What's your calorie intake? How much of that comes from protein/carbs/fat? You might want to open up your diary for better advice. Also - what are you doing for aerobics. You may want to increase the amount of exercise you are doing. 10 minutes isn't much.
  • marmarmik
    marmarmik Posts: 2
    You know that when you gain weight or stay the same but lose inches you are gaining muscle? That is a good thing. Muscle weighs twice as much as fat but is half the size. You can do the math. Also the more muscle you build the more calories you are burning while not working out. If you were to turn all your fat into muscle right now you would be half the size but weigh 1.5 times as much! Neat! But that not possible don't worry. In the long run the scales will go down but always focus more on measuring.
    Also exercising while counting calories and losing fat prevents you from losing muscle as well which is where some of the weight goes in the beginning, you end up losing your muscle mass so the scales not going down but losing inches is a sign that you are keeping those fat burning machines! Good luck! Hope this helped!
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I seem to lose weight and inches separately. I will lose about 10lbs or so, but not inches. Then I will stay stuck at the same weight for about a month but the inches will drop during that time. I can't explain it, but as long as it all works out in the end, I'm good with it! Just keep doing what you're doing, eventually you will drop the weight. =)
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    Thank you everybody,I needed to hear this,too!
  • Elle_45
    Elle_45 Posts: 43
    I hate the scale but I weigh quite often now as a test. I take a look at what I had the day before and if I have a gain I try to figure out what it is. If I have a diet cola, I will gain 2lbs, if I eat out I will gain. If I cook at home and eat portion sizes and healthy foods I have a steady loss. It might be .01 of a lb but it adds up. But noticing it in my clothes is my real reward.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Have patience.

    Inches lost > weight loss.

    Inches lost = fat loss (Corrected)

    Your comment amends my statement, not corrects it.

    Inches lost is a better indicator of progress than a number on the scale, which can be obscured by water retention.
  • Thank you everyone for you kind words and ispiration. As some of you asked I have made my profile public so you may now view it....beware, I do eat quite often but I am working on that. we are starting to get all the bad unhealthy foods out of the house so hopefully i can do better. as for my workouts, I started slow with 10 minutes because I am a smoker and hopefully I can quit that soon too ( one thing at a time though) I am doing the biggest loser dvd work outs every night and I am getting better, last night I did 20 minutes. I am very active when I get and cooking and I have a 2 year old who thinks I need to carry her when I do anything so I get to burn calories that way too. My biggest problem is my addiction to coke I love the stuff, how did yall get over your biggest food habit?
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    How long have you been at it? Losing inches is awesome and it's a good way to gauge progress for sure.

    I forced myself to switch to Diet Coke. (I know, I know, it tastes gross! Or, It's diet coke and that's sooooooo baaaad for you blah blah blah.) I'm now working my way off cokes period by just cutting down to one a day. Sometimes none a day.

    Baby steps.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I would check/track your sodium intake if I were you too. Also, 10 minutes a day of cardio is a good start, but its a good idea to aim for more exercise as you progress. Eating at a calorie deficit and doing 10 minutes of aerobics does not lend itself to any significant muscle gain, so that statement is somewhat untrue.

    Anyway, that being said, you've lost inches, which is awesome, , but if you stick to it and maybe step it up a little, you should be seeing a drop on the scale soon

    Make sure you're drinking all the recommended water too (replace every other coke with another bottle of water)..after a while, your body should crave the water more than the carbonated soda and the sugary coke won't even taste as good as it used to!
  • Thank you I am trying to do more cardio, I think I am going to go for 30 tonight and I havent had any cokes today yet so hopefully I can make it. I am trying a whole week without
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Thank you I am trying to do more cardio, I think I am going to go for 30 tonight and I havent had any cokes today yet so hopefully I can make it. I am trying a whole week without
    You can do this!
  • roi58
    roi58 Posts: 12 Member
    I've noticed this too. Very little change in weight but my body is changing. Wore a dress yesterday that I hadn't been able to get into for years. Made me feel empowered and good about the changes I'm trying to make.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I have been counting my calories, I have been doing my herbalife and I do my aerobics for at least 10 minutes a day everyday. I am not happy with the results I got as far as my weight goes I gained 2 pounds :( but I lost 3 inches so I know that is good. But I don;t know why the scale doesn't agree also any tips would be great

    Tip: Losing inches is much better than losing weight. I don't walk around with a scale to show people my progress, but they damn sure can see my pants falling off me and they can see the new, smaller belt I had to buy. If the genie came out of the bottle and said he'd make me weigh 300 pounds, but I'd have a 32 inch waist, ripped abs and awesome pecs I'd be like "SIGN ME UP, ALI BABA!"

    Bonus Tip: Try to get at least 20-30 mins of cardio in. 10 mins of steady state cardio is barely enough to start your blood flowing, and definitely won't give you any afterburn benefits