HIIT challenge anyone?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a form of caridovascular exercise. Usual HIITs may vary betwen 10-20 minutes. These short, intense workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition, improved glucose metabolism, and improved fat burning.

Let's try this; do this 3 times:

10 pushups
20 situps
25 squats
20 lunges (10 per leg)
80 jumping jacks
60 second wall sit

You won't need special skills to do these exercises, or be at the gym. this can be done in about 12-15 minutes a day. Who's up for this? See if this gives you good results.

happy exercising!:smooched:


  • xxcandywrathxx
    xxcandywrathxx Posts: 200 Member
    I'll try doing this tomorrow before my usual workout. Dont think Im going to be able to do the sit ups or wall sit. >.<
    Oh well. Good luck! :D
    If I can do even half of this I might incorporate it into my usual exercise, I dont do much stomach based exercised and could do with some more. :)
  • chay69424
    chay69424 Posts: 33
    You'll be surprised how much your legs will get stronger by doing the squats and lunges, and once your legs are strong enough, you can do the wallsit (that's the hardest part), then you'll be able to do the sit ups. make each sit up count. Good luck!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    240 jumping jacks? Ouch!
  • chay69424
    chay69424 Posts: 33
    yes, sir! easy in a minute :) just go fast! when you go slow and count slow, it seems like an eternity :laugh:
  • sweetietommie
    I am trying to add this to my exercise diary but it is requesting number of calories. Do you happen to know the approximate number of calories for someone who weights 205lbs would burn doing this particular HIIT.