just starting out-I need suggestions!

marthap Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
HI Everyone-
I am just signing up today and am definitely in need of some help! What are you doing to keep your mind away from food? I want to eat too much, and am always hungry!
Any helpful hints?
thanks in advance!


  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    first of all congrats on taking the first step and to answer you question i tend to try to drink a large glass of water (or flavered club soda if i feel a need for somthing bubbly) to make sure i am really hungry and not just bored and wanting to snack i also try to eat at the table - it forces me to prepare the food then sit and eat without distractions - so no munching in front of the tv or computer. And keep healthy snacks availible - baby carrots, apples, oranges, celery (Cut up so its easy to grab) etc.
  • water, water, water; drink water should you feel hungry. thirst is often mistaken for huger.:bigsmile:
  • try having small snacks throughout the day. measure out pretzels into serving size portions and keep those handy. the water will help also. good luck.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,013 Member
    I'd suggest filling out your food diary for the day, making sure you get enough good, healthy food in (whole grains, lean protein, veggies, fruit). Start the day off with a good-sized breakfast, and spread the rest of your food throughout the day, never going too long without a meal or a substantial snack. If you eat well and don't let yourself get too hungry, you're less likely to make bad choices. Good luck!
    DARTHDOUGY Posts: 53 Member

    Moderate exercise + good nutrition = success! = a lifelong healthy lifestyle. Fads are failure.

    Don't get overly hungry and don't eat late at night. Have breakfast, lunch and dinner with some small snacks. Keep yourself busy with other tasks, don't watch the clock.

    Good luck!
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    For me... I drink lots of water...and eat lots of fruit. For lunch I usually eat soup. It's the cold weather where soup is best:heart: Soup is filling when you put TONS of veggies in it.
  • I find I think about food less and don't feel the need to nosh if I'm chewing gum. Helps me make it from breakfast to lunch and lunch to dinner. I do eat snacks between each one, but they're small...gum and water help keep me in check between meal/snacks!
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    Hi and welcome! :)

    I log all my food for the day, first thing in the morning. That way I have a plan. It helps to know exactly what I'm going to eat, when I'm going to eat. That takes away some of the stress automatically.

    I have breakfast everyday. I don't skip meals. I eat when I am hungry and do not deprive myself. I know that if I skip or deprive/restrict, I will most likely binge.

    I drink lots of water. I have a glass of ice water next to me at all times, when I am at home.

    I snack on fruits. (I'm not a huge veggie person-- although, I know it would be better for me)

    I make it a point to do some form of physical exercise 6 days a week. For me, running is my workout along with alternating days of strength and core training. Even on the days I don't feel like working out, I get up and move-- even if I tell myself it's only going to be for 30 minutes that day. Usually that 30 minutes turns into a full hour.

    Log everything you eat. Everything.

    When I have a bad day or days I realize it is what it is, and keep working at it.

    Good luck on your journey. Take it one day at a time, one step at a time. ;)
  • Hello Everyone! This is my first post. I am really having a hard time eating the right things. I am a very picky eater, so there are more foods that I dislike than I like. I am a serious junk-food-junkie. Any suggestions for someone who eats no veggies and very few fruits?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,013 Member
    Hello Everyone! This is my first post. I am really having a hard time eating the right things. I am a very picky eater, so there are more foods that I dislike than I like. I am a serious junk-food-junkie. Any suggestions for someone who eats no veggies and very few fruits?
    You sound like me. I try to make sure that the foods I do eat are nutritious, e.g., lots of whole grains and and lean protein. I happen to like spinach, so I eat that nearly every day. I supplement with Shakeology to help make up for the veggies and fruits that are lacking in my diet. Here's my disclaimer upfront: I am a Beachbody coach, and I sell Shakeology, but I really do think it's a phenomenal product, especially for people like us who don't eat all the good things we should. Here's a link if you want to check it out: www.shakeology.com/pjilly Here's another disclaimer: It is isn't cheap. Whether you supplement or not, you can still eat things that are good for you, even if you don't at all the things that are good for you, and you don't have to eat junk. Good luck!
  • Thank you PJilly, I am going to try to do better with my eating. It is good to know that I am not alone on my journey!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,013 Member
    You're welcome, Steffie. I know the "correct" answer is just to eat fruits and veggies, but if you're like me, you're not going to do that. I know that's what I should do, but I just can't make myself do it. It's not that I don't like them much; it's that I have an irrational fear of eating them. I know it's stupid, but I'd sooner eat dog poop!
  • Is there anyone here that lives in or near the Victorville, CA area? I am looking for some workout/walking buddies!
  • You can find people that live near you by going to Find Members and you can search by zip code.
  • try chewing sugar free gum, it really does help, if only for awhile.

    I also like a mid-morning and mid-afternoon apple or pear. I find them the most enjoyable fruit & it feels like I'm constantly eating (but healthy for a change).

    Anyway, good luck to you!
  • Just starting out. I know the holidays are a bad time to begin a weight loss program but you gotta start sometime. I am eating too much junk food because it is more convenient. I am single so I don't like to cook a meal and have a lot left over. I need to work on this. Any suggestions are appreciated.:happy:
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