need help plz...confused =[

Long story short, i have lost 70 lbs although it took two years (I went to medical weight loss), I have remained at 147, give or take a few pounds for about a year and a half. When I began working out at the gym two years ago I had no idea what to do, I worked myself up to burning 1000-1200 a day five days a week. I never lost any weight. Asked the doc, my trainer, friends and I am still the same weight. I had surgery in May 2012, and couldn't work out however maintained my weight for eight weeks. I started doing insanity almost two weeks ago and upped my calories so now I am eating around 1750, working out and burning 350/6 days a week, netting 1450 (BMR). I gained two pounds my first week of insanity , understandable because the muscles are retaining fluid but i gained two ponds this week as well. I keep reading "eat more to weigh less" but I am confused because I am stuck and may be going up :(

30/Female 5'6 147-149

TDEE: 2272 bmr: 1479 Body fat % 23.9% activity level is moderate...


  • I've been struggling with similar problems as well. I've been eating really healthy food, working out (burning 350-450 calories every day), etc. But not seeing results. While my weight has stayed the same, I feel like I look like I've gained weight.

    Some people have said I might be eating too much sugar (because I eat a lot of fruit), so that could be holding me back. Are you eating any more of a particular kind of food? It might be having an effect while your body gets used to the new amounts of it. But I was also told I'm not eating enough. So I'm going to try the whole "eat more to lose more" thing. Hopefully it works!!

    Are you drinking enough water??