fired up

I joined a gym, then got strep throat followed by pink eye followed by another round of strep throat, returned to the gym for 1 week only to have my son end up spending a month in the hospital. My whole lifes focus changed, I became a champion for my family, worked as a nurse by day went to the hospital every evening for my son and would come home to my famished teenage (13 year old hormone filled daughter). I kept telling my son when he was so far gone, baby you have to get better so we can all get better. He has been out for a week now, and joined the gym with me.

During all this I have grown, refocused on family, health and even have a new man, my dark days are over, and even if there not i know I have strength to always move forward.

Losing weight and exercising seem to have come into my life because I can focus on it and I feel ready for it....Thankyou Paula for posting to facebook and showing me the MFP way..
