I need ENERGY!!!!

So I am 27 and have felt for the last year or so just completely exhausted 95% of the time. Half of the time if I come home and sit down I fall straight asleep, I dont understand. Right now I am not working just finishing up my last year of school and do that m-f and then usually come home and run errands for my parents. I usually feel sluggish and tired early in the mornings after my morning walk and then again about 2pm.

I dont always eat the best and I think that could be part of the problem, but do I need to exercise more or take vitamins or eat more fruits and veggies????

I really feel I am too young to be this tired all the time and just want to be energetic during the day so I can get stuff done without falling asleep.

( f.y.i. : I usually go to sleep between 9:30 and 10:30 every night so I thin thats enough sleep)

Thanks in advanced for your advice:smile:


  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    I think you do need to eat veggies fruits and vitamins, that never hurts! ... also have your iron, thyroid, and glucose tested... ya never know, could be something you have no control over.
  • rmoga99
    rmoga99 Posts: 37
    Hi, having a public food diary would help. It may be many things. Firstly you need to make sure it is not something like iron deficiency or hypothyroidism. Go see your doctor. Once that is ruled out more exercise and eating more fresh clean food will help. Ensure you are not dehydrated by drinking plenty of water. Spread your meals throughout the day. Learn what works for you, sometimes a carb heavy lunch just drains the energy out of me. Less refined foods and more whole foods with good portion of protein with each meal works for me.
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    Yea, But i can almost bet that it is because you are not eating enough protein. which contains serveral amino acids which regulate the chemicals in your brain. trying eating more protein, you may get more productive sleep. Check out research on amino acids in protein and what they do for your body.
  • Janelle_Teaches
    Have you ever been tested for Sleep Apnea? I was also very tired coming home from work and would fall asleep while reading! I went to the doctor recently for some other symptoms and they asked about my sleeping habbits, and when I told them how tired I was I was tested right away. Yep..I have sleep apnea!! I have a moderate case (While dreaming, I stop breathing half the time..yikes!) and I am on my way to get a cpap on Sunday :).

    Hope that helps!!
  • Rodamort
    Rodamort Posts: 171 Member
    I would second rmoga99's advice. Go see your doctor. There are other things you might not be aware of as well. You might get tested for sleep apnea. I found myself in a very similar situation 3 years ago. Went through a sleep test and found out I would stop breathing enough to wake myself up about every 2 minutes. I had a friend that had sleep apnea that would stop breathing 200 times an hour. Got fitted with a CPAP and have slept so much better, actually feel rested now. Don't feel so drained and I don't fall asleep once I sit down.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Make sure you eat more than your BMR and get plenty of protein. This will help with energy.

    I normally take a nap middle of the day, just totally zonked by then. But recently started upping my cals per day and it has made the world of difference in my energy levels.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    When's the last time you had a full medical?
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    Talk to your dr. I was the same way and I talked to my dr, come to find out I have low blood sugar and I have hypothyroidism.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Go see your doc. It could be a number of things. An iron deficiency is the first thing that came to my mind because I've been there....

    BUT the forums are like asking WebMD. One way or another, you're going to end up with a rare form of cancer only found in the Congo.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • nicolebunny55
    When's the last time you had a full medical?

    The last time I actually tried to get a full medical about 2 years ago my doctor kept saying I was too young to get that done. Which I am still not sure what my age had to do with that.....
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Go get a sleep survey done. I just found out I have Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome. I was always tired to. Come to find out I wasn't really getting a good nights sleep.
  • mscrumbyy
    mscrumbyy Posts: 116
    I'd see a doctor too, I felt really sluggish for a while and it turns out I was lacking B12 and Iron. For the most part it's not difficult to sort. Either way, they should be able to tell you if you're lacking something or other.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    B 12!

    and have they done blood work to check your thyroid? that's how I was feeling ALL the time, no one paid much mind, I made an appt demanding they find out what was going on with me, go figure it was a way under-active thyroid which had been undiagnosed for over 4 years.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I think you do need to eat veggies fruits and vitamins, that never hurts! ... also have your iron, thyroid, and glucose tested... ya never know, could be something you have no control over.

    I was feeling that way a few years ago, with the addition of not being able to get pregnant. So I got my thyroid and insulin tested and sure enough my thyroid levels were too low, and my insulin levels were too high. I got put on meds,and it straightened itself out. I had energy, dropped 20 pounds without exercising much, and within 4 months I was pregnant with my first daughter, and two years later I have two daughters. Just a side note :wink:
  • ALCandy
    ALCandy Posts: 3 Member
    Make sure you get your thyroid tested correctly. There are more than one test, make sure they run all of them. In fact, I would suggest that you find a good endocrinologist and have a full workup. Make sure your blood pH is not too acid, in fact it should be more toward the alkaline number of 7.0 - 7.5. If all your tests come back normal then I would suggest looking at your diet. If your blood type is O, then you need to get more lean protein in your diet and easy on the carbs. Make sure you are getting quality sleep. Regular exercise will help. Also, no alcohol or sweets before bed. You can also check out Reliv.com. They have a very good energy drink called 24K. It is better than the 5 Hour Energy drink. It won't give you the jitters or mess with your heart. Use this number if you want to order 5621000401. It is my distributor number. Full disclosure, I am a distributor for Reiv. Have been for 10 years.
  • nicolebunny55
    I never really consider that it could be something other than me needing some vitamins. I havent been to my primary physician in about 2 years last time I went he just claimed any issue I had was because of my weight so I changed doctors and Havent had the insurance to go see her for a full check up yet. I think since I am getting older I need to really get that done.

    Thanks for your comments so far.......