Morning Problems

I've been setting my alrm for 8 every morning but I am constantly finding myself hitting the snooze button and waking up at 930 ish. Does anyone ever have that problem? How do you handle it?


  • KelseyPalmtree
    Yes! I had that problem all the time.

    One suggestion is to put the alarm clock across the room. As long as it's loud enough to hear, it'll help you get up. Because if you have to get out of bed, you're more likely to stay awake than if you just have to reach over and hit a button.

    Maybe reward yourself on days you wake up. Find a show you like to watch that's on early, make a yummy breakfast, take a longer shower, etc. Find something that makes you happy to be awake, instead of focusing on how much you'd rather be back in bed. I play wii for a while, then make myself a yummy fruit smoothie :)
  • alexismccue
    alexismccue Posts: 5 Member
    thanks. Thats a good idea. Ill give it a try.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    YES I've found that putting the alarm across the room helps me wake up. That being said, I only wake up early when I have to. My work schedule varies from day to day. I hate mornings and I don't wake up early if I don't have to :p lol
  • StephiePop
    StephiePop Posts: 34 Member
    I've never really had this problem too much. Usually I'll put my alarm the latest I can do get things done (on days I work out, 5am.. Days without workout is 6am).. And I know if I go back to sleep I'll either A) Feel terrible I didn't work out of B) be late for work haha.. So it's just sort of mind of matter.. for me at least.
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    I set two alarms when I have to get up and teach. Putting one across the room is also very effective, but if you stand up and go turn it off and go back to bed, doesn't help. It might help to put one in the bathroom, that way you can at least go sit down on the toilet and wake up there!

    Are you sleeping ok? Do you snore? Could be that you need a sleep study.
  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    I'm not a morning person AT ALL, so I don't generally make plans to get up early unless I have no choice. But when I HAVE to get up, I put my alarm where I can't reach it to snooze.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Love the bathroom part!
    : )
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I use my phone, and set two alarms, 5 minutes apart. Sometimes I snooze between them, but usually knowing I'm going to hear that INCREDIBLY annoying ring tone again in a few minutes keeps me from falling back asleep.
  • MelissaLu
    MelissaLu Posts: 83
    Jim Gaffigan on the snoozebutton:

    (Regarding sleep) We never want it to end do we? That's why they created the snooze bar. We hear the alarm and say you know what? I don't think I'm gonna work out today *snooze* Ten minutes later we hear the alarm.
    You know what? I took a really long shower yesterday *snooze* ten minutes later we hear the alarm, you know what? I always wanted to go on WELFARE *snooze*

    xD sorry, that's the first thing I thought of. lol just had to.
    Anywho I set my alarm and put my phone in a place where I have to get up and turn it off. But then again i'm a light sleeper so it might not work for you if you're not lol.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    get a cat that wants what he wants every morning at 5am no excuses... :)