What's the point?

I've been dieting, exercising, and staying within recommended calories for near 5 months now. I stopped losing anything months ago and eventually came to this site because of all the support and the weight/measurement trackers. Today I weighed in at exactly the same weight I hit 3 months ago. I lose a tiny bit, I gain it back, I lose it again, and back it comes. I've upped my cals. I've dropped my sodium. I've added different/changed my exercise. What is the point of putting in all this effort only to stagnate at the same weight, the same measurements? Why does nothing I do matter? All I wanted in march when I started this was to slim down to fit a certain pretty dress I own by October. In march I needed to lose a total of 10 cm or about 4 inches. 5 months of hard work and determination and I need to lose 10 cm. I am no closer for all the tracking and effort. Why won't the fat just go away?


  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    do you work out? i was looking at your diary and it looks pretty ok.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    walk five miles a day and come back in a month.
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    If it's fat you're just thinking of losing - try upping the cardio, and upping the weights! Muscle burns a LOT of fat so push yourself to the extreme(I mean till you feel your muscles burning) with weights. I used to only life 5 lbs til someone told me to try 15lbs, did squats and could barely hit 8(needed to go to 12 but did it!) I hope this helps !

    Edit - I just viewed your journal. Don't forget to eat small meals(5 a day), snacking in between with veggies and fruits. And drink your water!
  • megkatze
    megkatze Posts: 4 Member
    Have you tried a different style of dieting? Maybe a low carb diet? With more fat and protein? Alternately, have you talked to your doctor at all? There are a lot of things that can affect weight loss medically, too.
  • ecrim
    ecrim Posts: 17
    I'm sorry you're feeling so frustrated. That is one of my fears... that I will work hard and not see results.

    I did take a peak at your diary and weight, and it seems like maybe you are eating too many calories. I weight almost 50 pounds more than you and it suggested that I eat about 1400 calories per day. If eating less than you are now seems unrealistic, maybe slip in a couple of lower calorie days in a couple of days every week.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    STOP drinking your calories! You need to move a MINIMUM of 30 minutes to an hour a day. Your diet is okay, but could be better! From what i can tell, it looks as if you are not totally dedicated.

    Heavy cream and a 500 calorie coffee? Thats just not a log that says "i want to lose weight".
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    You also need more protein... averaging 15% a day of your diet... you should up that to 25%.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Heavy cream and a 500 calorie coffee? Thats just not a log that says "i want to lose weight".

    Feet to the fire. That's the gospel truth though isn't it? If you're serious about losing the weight, not just sort of want to but really serious, then you can lose the weight.

    How bad do you want it?
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    what's the iced coffee drink? That packs a whallop of cals & fat.

    I must say, my story is quite like yours. I tried upping my calories and that was a big mistake - I gained, and it was all real weight, because it is still there. I don't think upping calories works for everyone.

    I have recently started significantly increasing my protein and lowering my carbs, recommended by a friend. If you haven't tried that yet, you might give it a try. Wish I had more to offer. I just wanted to empathize with you and say good luck!
  • lolasky
    lolasky Posts: 4 Member
    Crossfit!!! Crossfit works, its the greatest workout ever!! HIT with cardio and weights inculded! You cant go wrong...Loosing weight is all about diet and exercise, can't do one without the other :( I lost 70lbs about 4 years ago and have kept it off by doing just that :) you can do it, dont lose faith
  • ocukor1
    ocukor1 Posts: 66
    In order to work for a long period of time, your diet has to be the lifestyle. I don't want to judge you but there is something that you must be doing wrong, and it could be a simple fix. A lot of people here say that this diet or that diet doesn't work for them, they've tried everything, they exercise their butts off and nothing helps. They are missing a point. My wife has been over weight since she was a young teenager, she was saying the same things, I has to walk on the egg shells to avoid hurting her feelings about eating this or not eating that until I finally got her to understand how the human body works and how to avoid pitfalls, and since then she lost over 50 pounds, with still a lot more to go, but very excited about seeing herself some time from now, thin, healthier and happier. And she did that all by herself, she doesnt even exercise. We have found the healthy alternatives for every type of food, and what used to be her drug of choice - cakes and sugar, is not anymore. She has developed an amazing discipline, and I believe it is a life style that is here to stay. That's what I'm trying to point out here. You need to adjust your diet and find the healthier alternatives in the things you like. All the exercise in the world is not going to matter if you don't get a good grasp on how food and nutrition works. Again, I am not judging you, I am just trying to point out what I believe to be important thing to keep in mind.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Please dont give up. Lower your carbs, making them only from veggies and dairy. Up your protein and get out and move. Try walking . Start at 1 mile and up it each week till your doing 5 miles daily, doesnt have to be only one walk. Then see how you are doing. Let me know and feel free to add me if you like.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Heavy cream and a 500 calorie coffee? Thats just not a log that says "i want to lose weight".

    And then there is the candy. Stop eating back your exercise calories and give up all of the sweets. Veggies and fruits in; candy and heavy cream coffee out. Increase the calories from exercise to 500+ a day and don't eat them back. Just my 2 cents but I agree with the poster that said if you really want this you will find a way......
  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165
    walk five miles a day and come back in a month.
    Like Jarrod the Subway Guy!!
  • tajour
    tajour Posts: 134 Member
    One more thing I'd suggest: Spend the next week and carefully MEASURE everything. I tend to get sloppy about my portion sizes over time. My husband laughs at me, but about every two weeks, I'll get out the scale, zero out my cereal bowl, and WEIGH my shredded wheat just to make sure I'm still eyeballing it correctly. And believe me, I ALWAYS weigh my meat portions at dinner and any sauces I add are carefully measured.

    Yes, it's a pain. But it might help.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    You totally have the right attitude.:noway:

    Maybe you don't want this enough... but you don't have the best diary. Play with your calorie intake, change your type of exercise, MIX THINGS UP. And change your mindset most importantly!!!!

    NO MORE sugary, fatty crap until you can get things under control. Try your hand at eating mostly clean.... it REALLY helped me.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Ok, everyone had good suggestions of things to try and tinker with to get you losing. I peeked at your diary and my comment is that you are eating a LOT of processed food. Now I'm not a totally clean eater, but I do try to eat mostly fresh food. I do eat bread, pasta and rice once in a while, but in small quantities. I hope I don't sound preachy, because that is not at all how I sound in my head! Take some of these suggestions the nice folks made and run with them--one or two at a time! You'll drive yourself nuts trying to do it all at once and some things will conflict with others.

    Good luck!
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I've been dieting, exercising, and staying within recommended calories for near 5 months now. I stopped losing anything months ago and eventually came to this site because of all the support and the weight/measurement trackers. Today I weighed in at exactly the same weight I hit 3 months ago. I lose a tiny bit, I gain it back, I lose it again, and back it comes. I've upped my cals. I've dropped my sodium. I've added different/changed my exercise. What is the point of putting in all this effort only to stagnate at the same weight, the same measurements? Why does nothing I do matter? All I wanted in march when I started this was to slim down to fit a certain pretty dress I own by October. In march I needed to lose a total of 10 cm or about 4 inches. 5 months of hard work and determination and I need to lose 10 cm. I am no closer for all the tracking and effort. Why won't the fat just go away?

    Seriously, your eating habits suck. It's all junk. And your calorie goal is high. I'm male, 5'8" and weighed 195 when I started. My calorie goal was 1400. Yours is something like 1700. Eat real food, not coffee with cream, and packaged junk like Snickers bars. You don't lose weight by TRACKING calories. You lose weight by not eating calories and by burning calories.
  • celieber
    celieber Posts: 9
    The answer to weight loss is simple... eat less. It sounds stupid, but it is true. All this stuff about exercise is great; exercise is good for you, but if we're talking weight loss here, it starts in the kitchen. I found that sometimes I had to come in under the target cals to make something happen. If you really want it, TAKE IT!
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    I'd eat more fruits and veggies and less packaged foods. Stick to the outside of the grocery store. Drink more water and less sugary, calorie filled drinks.

    How do you figure your calorie burn? I'd suggest getting a HRM if you don't already have one and watch your heartrate. You also seem to be putting a lot of time into working out, but could achieve the same calorie burn by upping the intensity.

    Just my opinion.