Hello, new here

I have a few friends that have success here and after realizing that I gained 15 pounds(I call them "new relationship love pounds",lol) I have decided to try something new.I have always been chubby and active(believe it or not).I moved to Hawaii in 2000 and lived there (Island of Kauai) for ten years.Kauai is the most amazing place to be active, amazing hikes and blue green water to surf and play in.I highly recommend it!!In 2008 I had and lost my first daughter.I had the hardest time finding the light after that and spent one agonizing year in deep grief.November of 2009 I found myself pregnant(and ecstatic!) and single, and I moved back home(Oklahoma) to have my new baby,Rosabella.She turns 2 in a few weeks.Last September I met my wonderful boyfriend, whom adores us both, and promptly gained weight that I had lost through breast feeding and exercise going on nice dates and drinking wine.I figure my problem is consistency (eating right AND exercise) so here I am.I am have been working on a goal of a ten minute mile(I do a 12 minute mile now) and weight loss of 25-30 pounds.I am looking forward to meeting friends here that will help inspire me and be helpful.So hello :)


  • cyndarella13
    cyndarella13 Posts: 20 Member
    hello :)
  • grimsin
    grimsin Posts: 78 Member
  • mommy3crazies
    mommy3crazies Posts: 21 Member
    I am also new here and am a mom of 3. My oldest is 8, middle 4, and my baby boy is 7 months. I had lost an amazing 30 lbs after having my son thanks to nursing and being active. Now that I am not nursing I have gained back ALL 30 lbs although I am still very active. I have always been up and down with my weight but I am at a point in my life where I am fed up with the up and down and really just want to get "healthy".
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Welcome! I'm sending a request now :) Any other newbies, feel free to friend me!
  • Just_Dianne
    Just_Dianne Posts: 19 Member
    Welcoe to myfitnesspal! I have been at this program since January and I am having fantastic results! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • cyndarella13
    cyndarella13 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everyone!I'm really excited to be a part of something positive and the best part free!
  • cyndarella13
    cyndarella13 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks!I need friends :)I have been working out for the last year and a half but not consistently, so I hoping this will help KEEP me motivated.