
with all the rage about zumba, why does it not come up on the results list for cardio exercise? Am I missing something? I have no idea how many calories I burn in an hour-long class to even guess for a custom entry. Help, anyone?


  • cremy1016
    cremy1016 Posts: 9 Member
    I just put it in as dancing, aerobic, modern, twist ballet.. or whatever it came up as. I just searched for dancing. Hope that helps!
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    make a search here in the forums for Zumba- there is a link trhat calculates your weight and time spent doing Zumba and the calories burned .. takes all the guesswork out :)
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    too many search results so here it is


    the actual calculator is near the bottom
  • Giggalump
    Giggalump Posts: 13
    Thanks. The calculator came up with over 200 cals more in a 60 minute session than dancing did on MFP. I'll take it! Lol
  • cremy1016
    cremy1016 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow.. I had no idea either... and that link came up higher for me too... yay!! I learned something new! Thanks!!!
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I typically count it as "dance" if I don't wear my HRM. The HRM is going to give you the most accurate calories burned. I typically burn in the 350-500 range in a live class.

    I've heard that the new Exhilerate program is totally awesome.
  • eden_denise
    eden_denise Posts: 5 Member
    I wear a watch that calculates my heart rate and calories burned during Zumba and it comes between 800-900 calories burned per 60 min class. My heart rate stays high though between 120-168
    UZBGIRL Posts: 35
    I should get one. What brand do you have? I found this one but i am not sure if that is a good one:

  • connette51
    connette51 Posts: 16 Member
    I have the WII Zumba 2 and I weigh 189 and burned 839 Cals for one hour of medium intensity workout. I had to put zumba in my exercise chart myself. A 150 lb person is supposed to burn about 600-625 per hour workout according to a magazine I read. I also did a search for How many calories per hour does Zumba burn and there are a few articles on it.
  • eden_denise
    eden_denise Posts: 5 Member
    I just got mine from Walmart for $30 :)