30 Days Shred and Ripped Calories Burn

I've tried the Jillian's Michael free trial and been doing the fitness and food journal. It is good to know from their exercise database that i can burn 250 calories just for doing the 30 days shred level 2.

Anyway, the free trial is good especially if you're doing the JM DVD workout as they've listed the calories burn for each DVD workout. However, there are only limited food list in their database, so i use MFP for my calorie count.

For your reference, here's the summary of calories burn for doing the Shred and Ripped DVD based on JM exercise database.

30 Day Shred, Level 1 (30 mins) - 218
30 Day Shred, Level 2 (30 mins) - 250
30 Day Shred, Level 3 (30 mins) - 234

Ripped in 30, Level 1 (30 mins) - 218
Ripped in 30, Level 2 (30 mins) - 234
Ripped in 30, Level 3 (30 mins) - 234
Ripped in 30, Level 4 (30 mins) - 250

Happy Workout!


  • LilyViolet
    Hi there, Thanks for this information, I've been trying to find away to log this on MFP accurately so this is great! I just wondered if this calorie burn is based on a specific weight? I don't own an HRM so am in the dark a bit with this. TIA.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    Everyone is different though.
    I only burn about 170 calories doing Ripped in 30
  • graciaontarget
    graciaontarget Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I don't own an HRM too. Anyway, these are based on Jillian Michael online exercise database similar to MFP. Where you can select the JM's dvd workout with pre-defined calories burn. So i don't think it is based on specific weight.

    But i stop using jillian michaels online as i end-up maintaining 2 websites for me to update my food and exercise. I still prefer MFP as it has wide selection of food database compare to JM online program.

    All of JM's dvd workout and calories burn can be found in their exercise database.

    Happy Shredding.
  • lotushw
    lotushw Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for this information. I've been using the circuit training 20 minutes from MFP and only got 178 calories burned. Good to know I'm actually burning a few extra calories!
  • jmjones2002
    I go to the gym to do the Ripped classes..I recently bought a Polar Ft4 hrm that comes with the transmitter you wear around your chest. It shows that I burn between 400-450cals in a 55min class. I know others are burning in the 600's though bc I am a little slower at it & take water breaks. I love the hrm because I hated trying to guess how many I'm burning.
  • Sheatetoomuch
    New here and trying to figure out how many calories for Ripped in 30 level 2. Won't it go off your weight and not just everyone losing the same amount?