Teenage girl looking to lose about 20 pounds!

Hello everyone!
My name is Shelley. Weight is something not only me, but my entire family has struggled with our entire lives. At 12, I weighed in about 170lbs..by 13, I ate right and exercised and dropped down to 140.. I've hit this roadblock that I cannot get further down than 138.
I'm only 5'1, so I could stand to lose about 20..
I have a major sweet-tooth and zero will-power, so I'm just looking for some advice and motivation!
I waitress at a small town restaurant so we're not always busy and that greasy food is so tempting!
My parents aren't interested in this, so it's hard coming home to nothing but junk food and saying no to it.
980 calories is killing me right now..I just need some advice and maybe a buddy to wrap up this journey with!
I cheerlead, and walk up and down my hill about 2 times a week, plus Just Dance 3 occasionally!
I've fought a long, hard battle with bulimia and I've had ENOUGH..I'm willing to do it right.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to hear from you soon!


  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    Hey, i'm 19 and looking to lose roughly the same amount of weight too! I would fail so hard at waitressing, kudos to you haha
    I would say that 980 isn't enough to keep your mind happy (forget the body!), bump it up to 1200 with good food choices and exercise and it'll be easier to maintain once you get to your goal weight. (That's just my opinion anyway!)
    Feel free to add me (:
  • Hey,
    I'm in a similar-ish situation, I started at 157 lbs, have managed to get get down to 124 but have hit a plateau so joined here (i'm also 5ft 2 so could also do with being a bit less).
    I am a nurse and loads of patients bring us choccies and biscuits as a thankyou. Its so hard to resist! I also agree with the girl above, 1200 sounds about right to me, any lower i feel like i would eventually break it a binge on loads of crap.
    Well done on taking steps to get over you bulimia! You should be so proud of that!
    Angela x
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. I know how you feel I was the same way when I was your age. YOu can do anything you want if you put your mind too. You will make it happen . I hope you have a great day.
  • I usually go over to about 1200 but I don't know how much to log for my exercise at work. I wore a pedometer and on a slow day I walked 2 1/2 miles in a 6 hour period so I'm sure it's triple that on a busy day! I'm a junkie for sweets, just like that peaches and cream pie earlier. :( but thank you all for your kind support and I hope you accept my friend requests and or send me one! Keep in touch! We can do this!
  • devl110
    devl110 Posts: 32
    add me
  • I am in a simular situation, I started at 160 and then struggled with bulimia w/ anorexic tendencies. Now I am at 145 and have had a very hard time trying to get under 140. I am 5ft and I do dance and cheer. I am currently trying not to eat over 800 calories. If you need suppot feel free to message me, my goal is to lost about 20-25 pounds.
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day. :smile: