Eating habits and work vs coworkers



  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I had a co-worker tell me she wanted to shove some cookie cake in my mouth. WTF?! Hater.
  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    Wow...that's REALLY extreme. Mine have at least kept those kind of comments at bay...
  • j_ortiz2
    j_ortiz2 Posts: 2
    Funny... I was thinking this same thing on my way to work this morning. So far, out of everyone that i have told about us trying to become vegan MOST of them make this face like I just threw up all over them AND tell me how long do you think "this" will last?
    Why is it that people are so determined to see someone else fail at a goal they have set for themself? Sad huh?
    I just embrace the few friends that are being supportive and keep it moving!
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    Yeah, I have had a coworker basically accuse me of being anorexic. Well, no....I just try to eat better most of the time and workout more than I used to. I have a two year old son and a husband that I would like to be around for for a very long time. And if I am fat, lazy and out of the heck am I supposed to keep up with a two year old? I really don't think he is going to lose all his energy until maybe he is a teenager. lol I do not refuse to eat anything. Some days I will have whatever I want.....other days, I try to stay healthy as best as I can or eat one bad meal that day. And if I know say my hubby and I are going to have a date night....I will try to eat really good and workout alot leading up to it, so I can enjoy our night and not worry about the calorie count of something. One date night isn't going to derail me. You have to do what is right for you. Keep up the good work!!
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    So many similar stories here.

    Most of my colleagues are hideously overweight but "dieting". They have learnt I won't be tempted except very rarely and when I want to, not when they want me too.

    I have turned the tables on them though a couple of times, when they have been dieting, I've taken in treats for them. Pleasures like that give me the motivation not to give in!!
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    I eat at my desk most days. They pick and say I am not really eating, and that it is gerbil food. They make a ton of food bring in all sorts of goodies, but I just say no. :)
  • karijoeide
    karijoeide Posts: 103
    I can relate not because of the peer pressure but "tenant" pressure. I work in a long term care facility as a home health nurse. Part of my job is baking and cooking with my ladies, let me tell you these ladies whip up some mean dishes and baked goods. My struggle is packing my lunch and eating only what I bring. We are encouraged at work to eat meals with our tenants as we have family style dining. So I can relate....nothing like 90 yrs olds pressuring you to try their pies, cookies, bars and! They are so sweet and hard to say no to! Hang in there and stick with your program!! I will try and do the same! HA!
  • shannond1980
    shannond1980 Posts: 60 Member
    I just dealt with this yesterday during a meeting. They all ordered pizza for the meeting and I declined. Then they took the leftovers and left them around my desk and at least 4 people asked me why I didn't want any pizza.

    They stopped bugging me after a few hours. Yes I could go workout and burn off the ~300 cals per slice or whatever but I'm not just doing this to lose weight. I actually want to be more mindful of what I'm putting in my body.

    I think some people just don't get it.
  • adrushe
    adrushe Posts: 25
    I'm so glad you posted this. I am so glad to see that I'm not the only one who has this problem. Mind you, I have only been on my health kick for about a week, but still, I have witnessed this go on in my workplace for the last 3 years that I have been here, mostly to others in the work place though as this is new to me.

    I have one boss who is trying to eat healthy and it seems every week there is someone bringing in treats to tempt her. I feel so bad for her, because she is trying so hard, and the others don't respect her choices and still try to push her into eating junk.

    I am worried that now that I am on this whole eating healthy kick, that they will start to do the same thing to me. Even earlier this week someone brought in bagels, which I know aren't the most terrible thing out there, but they aren't healthy, either! And they left them out in the open for everyone to see, tempting me every time I walked past them. I was good and didn't have one, but it still bothered me that they were there and calling my name!

    The worst is doughnuts. I am a sucker for anything sweet, so I know the next time someone brings doughnuts in, I will probably cave :( I have little to no willpower :(
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Not much yet since I just started, and I keep my diet pretty balanced. Although, today I am having potatoes and broccoli for lunch, with some bacon bits, and they have already said it was strange that I would bring small Yukon potatoes instead of a big huge "baking" potato. I haven't lost enough weight for people to visibily notice, and they don't know that I am trying to lose weight, so they just think it's weird.
  • cassimus
    cassimus Posts: 9 Member
    Funny enough I get grief from men at my work more than women! But yeah I normally just politely decline and don't really go into my reasoning why and that stops most questions. I've found if I explain that I am watching what I eat, people push harder...
  • jporte
    jporte Posts: 164 Member
    I actually get a little of the opposite. If my coworkers order out, they don't ask me anymore because I used to always refuse when they order pizza, chinese or breakfast sandwiches etc...but on occasion I would like a nice steak salad or something similar that I didn't bring with me. ( I almost always bring my lunch and always have healthy snacks at my desk but if my salad starts to go bad early or I forget it at home I will go to the cafeteria and buy one).
  • stnave
    stnave Posts: 6
    All the time! We have a lot of junk in at my workplace.. cakes, breads, cookies, and every Friday we order pizza. Since I've stopped eating those things, I always get some comments here and there from my colleagues. Usually it comes off as me trying to be "better" than they are as if I'm conceited or something.
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
    Wow, I'm sorry you all have such mean coworkers! :-( I've been working at my job for most of the time I have been losing weight; my coworkers all know what I'm doing and don't offer me treats. They are all so supportive and encouraging, and they let me take my breaks when I need to because they know I'm trying to eat every 3-4 hours. I work retail so I don't have a desk to eat at.
  • fatboymax
    fatboymax Posts: 90
    I work next to an area that has wendys, rotten ronnies(ie mcdonalds), burger king etc... on top of that a cantine truck full of junk visits 4 times a day. I used to eat all this junk food constantly. Now that i do not eat it anymore i kinda feel like i have to eat hidden from the group. I eat my meals at my desk instead of in the lunch room. In the beginning i did it for me cause i could not handle all those wonderful smells and delicious foods. now i just eat at my desk cause i have gotten used to it. Also i do not go out with the group of work friends anymore cause they are always eating out. I tried to eat my prepared meals at the fast food restaurants but the temptations are too hard. my health and happiness is worth more to me than work friends i have plenty of friends outside of work that support my fitness journey so i feel very lucky.
  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    Funny... I was thinking this same thing on my way to work this morning. So far, out of everyone that i have told about us trying to become vegan MOST of them make this face like I just threw up all over them AND tell me how long do you think "this" will last?
    Why is it that people are so determined to see someone else fail at a goal they have set for themself? Sad huh?
    I just embrace the few friends that are being supportive and keep it moving!

    When I started, I also got the "how long will this last" question asked... weight has been dropped and I've learned a lot more since then so I expect to keep it off.