Vegetarian Looking for Dieting Friends

Hello! I have been on MyFitnessPal for a while now but I think I need some buddies to help me stick to tracking. About a month ago I started a vigorous exercise program; I've been toning up but not really losing weight. I'd love to meet some other folks who can help me out and motivate me! I am in my mid-30s, married, and a vegetarian.


  • Gyllain
    Gyllain Posts: 39 Member
    Hi I'm veggie and I'm quite new here, feel free to add me :)
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I'm a vegetarian going on 30! :) Feel free to add me :)
  • blakrayn
    blakrayn Posts: 1 Member
    Im a Pescatarian(only meat i eat is fish), feel free to add me
  • Ckemppel
    Ckemppel Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have also been on MFP for awhile but have never posted to the forums or anything. I am also looking to find a few friends for encouragement and motivation. I have been an ovo-lacto vegetarian since I was 15 (I will be 46 on 8/2) and due to health issues (thyroid disease and hormone imbalance/adrenal exhaustion) have gained a lot of weight over the last 5 years and was at my heaviest non-pregnant in June (5ft 9in 179 BMI 40%). I have now got the health issues in check thanks to a great Doctor and Bio-identical hormone therapy and just started a new diet and exercise program on 6/25. I'm using MFP to track a 1200 calorie diet and my workouts consist of 20 minutes of cardio on my elliptical, 20 minutes of strength training with weights or bands, abdominals and stretching...I do cardio , abs and stretching 6 days a week and strength 3 days a week. I am trying to get in sufficient condition and motivate myself to try out the Insanity workout so that I'll be able to wear a bikini for the first time ever with confidence on a first time cruise with my hubby of 26 years in November. I'd love to have a few like-minded/similar life situations as MFP buddies. Oh and one more thing, I've lost 9 lbs since starting my new diet/exercise program whoot! : )
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm trying to switch to a vegetarian diet, but I do fail at times (usually when people give me food). I would love to have some vegetarian friends for encouragement and advice.
  • theraylene
    theraylene Posts: 20 Member
    I'm not vegetarian (but have been in the past) and I am finding my balance and weight loss with lots and lots of raw veggies! I'd love to participate--and I have a lot of recipes;