Ran my firsy 5K today!

wolveslovemee Posts: 156 Member
Hey everyone

I just had to gloat somewhere, and I suppose this is the most appropriate place!

I never run, in fact, I dislike it (I know I know). Ive been doing a month of Insanity previous to this, and ran once 3 days ago for a little bit. Completely deflated since I could barely do it, I kept thinking I should try and do as much as I can to see if I can even run ONE mile without dieing.

Well, today I completed a 5K in 36 or so minutes! I have never run like this in my life and I am really happy I did it. Maybe Ill start to enjoy running more! My boyfriend paced me on his bike and was really proud of me. He said he didnt think I could do it, but I only stopped to walk for a total of 8 minutes and did a nice jog/run the rest of the way.

Im hoping in the next couple of weeks I can try for less time and ease into it. Still though, very happy with my progress.


  • kaali85
    kaali85 Posts: 32 Member
    Wow wtg, I am not a runner but think that's fab.
  • wolveslovemee
    wolveslovemee Posts: 156 Member
    Oh its ok, Im totally not either. As I said, Im not super into it, but I think changing up my routine from time to time was pretty cool!
  • mbailey84
    mbailey84 Posts: 13 Member
    I hated running just a few months ago. I started the C25K about 4 weeks ago.. and yesterday I got that runners high that people talk about. It starts you off slowly so you can really learn to like it and not feel like your going to die!
    Im going to run my first 5K in Aug!
    Great Job though, its always good to change things up a bit =)
  • MissMegan3119
    Congrats :) you should be very proud
  • simchik12142
    simchik12142 Posts: 1 Member
    Coincidentally I ran my first 5K yesterday too! Great job! :smile:
  • ellioj
    ellioj Posts: 4
    That's awesome! Way to go!
  • okeedokee5
    okeedokee5 Posts: 46 Member
    Congrats! I have my first 5K race next Saturday. I think running is one of those things you grow to love. I don't love it YET, but hoping to get there. 36 minutes is about my pace too!
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    Awesome accomplishment!
  • timeforsomethingsweet
    timeforsomethingsweet Posts: 131 Member
    CONGRATS TO YOU!! That's so exciting =D Im just getting into running and my trainer wants to get me to run a 5k maybe in October. Thanks for sharing your story and giving me hope that I can someday do the same!:flowerforyou:
  • cpk44
    cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
    Great job!!! 5ks are tough!!! Keep up the good work, running is fantastic for you. I love to run, even though sometimes I forget that.
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