Calories left over



  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    Fruit salad! It also satisfies my sweet tooth. Nuts are good too. Also some toast with almond butter and honey. Delicious!
  • When I have a deficit I immediately go looking for chocolate. I feel like I've earned it. :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Do you think it is better to have a deficit than fill the rest of the calories with junk?
    You already have a deficit if you ate 100% of the calories. I would say eat anything that helps you meet your macro goal (Carbs/fat/protein). Eating too little can cause a host of issues, one of which is the loss of lean muscle.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    (I'm one of those crazy people who believes not all calories are created equal when it comes to how our bodies/mental state/hormones/etc are affected by in my opinion, there *is* a such thing as junk food vs real food.)

    My advice:
    Rather than looking at this as a one-day problem, instead make adjustments to your habits going forward to prevent this from happening. Sure, it isn't entirely preventable all the time, but I'd guess that most of the time, the problem can be avoided with some slight adjustments. Most immediate ideas that come to mind would be to plan more fruit, or more calorie-dense foods like avocados, quality red meat, etc.

    So for just an occasional one day deficit? Use it as an opportunity to try some "quality" foods that you don't normally eat. Not only will you potentially add in some missing/deficient micronutrients, but you may discover a food you really like. And if you don't, well, no problem, because you weren't really that hungry anyhow. =P
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Hah! I usually eat Ice cream and cookies and Twix bars, and I just had a doughnut and OWW Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! I can eat those all day!

    Sorry no luck on the heathy stuff from me!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I don't buy into there being bad or junk food as long as your are making your macros with choices, that are also full of all the micros you need. Ill have ice-cream or a sinkers or what not. If you keep it to your calorie goal and your making your macro and getting the micros you need, I don't see an issues. unless you have some sort of underlying medical issue.

    I absolutely agree with all of this. Given that you're consuming a nutrient rich diet with appropriate macros and kcals, adding "some" junk (for lack of a better work here) food is fine.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. I think it's unhealthy to eat just because I'm a couple hundred calories under, especially knowing that since I don't have a Fit Bit or any of those other gadgets, MFP is probably WAY over estimating what I burnt. Think about it this way- if you weren't keeping count and didn't know how many calories you had left, would you eat?

    I have a fit bit.... WORKS GREAT. And MFP was over estimating my calories burnt when I exercise however, had no clue I was so active during the day either so I actually was under estimating that and I had a really huge deficit . Jumping on the trampoline, chasing the kids at the park, rollerblading, walks to the mail or other places. Wow it adds up!
  • Think about it this way- if you weren't keeping count and didn't know how many calories you had left, would you eat?

    That's a good point, however, if I weren't keeping count and didn't know how many calories I had left, I wouldn't be under my calories lol!
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Think about it this way- if you weren't keeping count and didn't know how many calories you had left, would you eat?

    That's a good point, however, if I weren't keeping count and didn't know how many calories I had left, I wouldn't be under my calories lol!

    I understand what you're saying lol.... But why eat if you aren't hungry? Take some time to figure out what works the best for you. :)
  • zero fat greek yoghurt with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of toasted oats YUM!!
  • vinstevel
    vinstevel Posts: 63
    I agree. I tend first of all not to eat all my "earned" calories from exercise, but when I see that there is a lot left over, I tend to go with proteins. Low fat dairy, almonds, fresh turkey etc. If i feel like indulging, I will ONLY buy a junior size something, because I know if I bought a whole candy bar, then I would eat it all. I also don't keep it in the house. I figure if I want it bad enough that I would walk or drive to the store, then I should not deny myself a small portion of it. There is nothing to feel guilty about that.
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Do you think it is better to have a deficit than fill the rest of the calories with junk?

    Yes! When you see a deficit it tells you how much weight you will lose in 5 weeks, that is if you keep it up
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    With MFP the deficit is all ready figure in for you if you set it up to lose so much a week. So if your under that number you are in a bigger deficit
  • ashbosity
    ashbosity Posts: 20
    Thanks everyone for the responses. It was really helpful. I'm thinking things like a glass of chocolate milk (I'm bad a getting dairy in), peanut butter and a banana, avocado (I didn't think of this. I love them, but they are high fat, although it's good fat), or a granola/protein bar would be good choices for me, although I'm ok with ice cream or cookies every now and then. Thanks so much again!