C25K Week 5 Day 3-Need motivation!

Tonight is the night and I'm not sure if I can do it! Going from 8 minutes to running 20 is a big jump! This is going to be the longest I have ran for in my entire life. In high school gym class I got an F because I walked the entire mile. Up until I started C25K I haven't ran at all. I guess I am just looking for support or any tips that you might have to help me succeed tonight without quitting!


  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Look how far you have come!! When you first started, did you ever think you would have gotten this far?
    Don't quit. It's a 4 letter word.
    You got this!

  • georgeinthecord
    georgeinthecord Posts: 84 Member
    Come back after you run 20 minutes straight and tell us how awesome and easy it was :D
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    You'll do great!

    I'm doing Week 5 Day 3 this coming Thursday..and I'm just as nervous as you!

    You can already run for 16 minutes if you finished Week 5 Day 2.. So what's 4 more minutes?
  • cyndimcd
    cyndimcd Posts: 112 Member
    You are ready for this. That's what C25K is all about, each step building and preparing you for the next.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    You can do this. I finished the app a short while ago and just ran for a continuous 80 minutes yesterday. I started running on 5/20/2012 and could not run more than half a lap around a .28 mile track.....now I go out for 6.5 miles twice a week and 7.8 on my weekend run. Things that I would recommend: pay particular attention to your breathing (deep and slow) and set a nice even pace that you can maintain (no speed records to set here). You will find that moving from the 8 minute to the 10 minute run is not that big a change.... Enjoy your run!!!!
  • kkhelsell
    kkhelsell Posts: 2 Member
    If I won't quit, you can't either. You said that the two 8 minute runs weren't bad at all. And just think..It's only 1 run. After it's over, you are done. There's no walking for a couple minutes and running again. We WILL do this!!
  • justine5587
    justine5587 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm sure you'll do great!
    My tips:
    - Don't listen to music or anything that might distract you. Just focus on your legs, your breating, your heartbeat, even your sweat!

    - Cut the time in "small pieces" in your head... like 20 minutes is 4x5min. I know it sounds silly but it helps me a lot.

    - Don't go too fast... maybe slow down the pace from your previous 8 min run. For example, I tried running 35 minutes at 5.5 mph and I couldn't get past 25 minutes. I was really out of breath. Then I slow down at 4.8 mph and I could finish the 35 minutes the first time I tried. Hopefully, I'll be able to run at a faster pace, but for now, it's enough for me! Find your pace!

    Good luck, tell us how you did!
  • tetracat
    tetracat Posts: 74 Member
    I just wanted to let everyone know that I did it! I made it!! 20 minutes straight, no stopping to walk! WOOOOOO!
  • tibeck01
    tibeck01 Posts: 31 Member
    GREAT JOB...congrats! Doesn't it feel wonderful and powerful?
    I just did week 6 day 1...for some reason it is less running than week 5 day 3. Not quite sure why, but c25k has worked for me so far so I guess I will trust it.
  • RagenGBrown
    Im doing it tonight and I'm super nervous so i'm glad someone else has felt that way and did it!! Awesome job!!
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    If I can do it, YOU can do it! I'd never run a step in my life, and now I can run 5K without stopping! Yes, that first time it ramps up like that sucks, and you think you're going to blow a lung or a hamstring or both, but YOU CAN DO IT! Push through it, pace yourself, don't worry about how fast you're going, just do the best you can, and if you don't make it this time, try it again in two more days. It's not a sin to re-do a day or a week. YOU CAN DO THIS! Now get out there and go! GOOD LUCK!:flowerforyou:
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    I just wanted to let everyone know that I did it! I made it!! 20 minutes straight, no stopping to walk! WOOOOOO!
    FANTASTIC!!! Congrats! :drinker:
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 897 Member
    I still have 80 lbs to lose, and I am doing C25K. I have the hardest time running, having to do week 2 over again. Then the next one, week 3, where you have to run 3 minutes. But I am going to do a modified week, I am calling week 2.5 = since week 2 has run 90 seconds and walk 2 minutes. So I will play week 2 and plan on running during the 2 minute walk, and walk during the 90 seconds run. It is a 9 week program, for me it may be a 9 month program, but I will keep trying.

    Congratulations on your success.