Who else is ready for change??

Hello everyone! So I've been using the MFP app for droid on and off for a few months-I slacked off a bit after the first weightloss attempt :(-But got on the website for the first time two weeks ago and NEVER realized what an extensive community there is!! It's so inspiring!! I'm 28 and have battled an extra 20-60lbs(yikes!!) all my life. But No More!! I'm turning 30 in a year and a half and I am going to be in the best shape of my life by then no matter what!! I DESERVE THIS! I am CAPABLE! And I will CONQUER this habit once and for all!! Look out world this girl is breaking FREE!!


  • omerc10696
    omerc10696 Posts: 18 Member
    HI and welcome! I'm constantly changing myself, I recently turned 29 and I'm trying to finish losing the last 20 lbs I need for my goal weight while also working on sculpting my body through weight training. You have a great attitude! Keep at it and you'll surely reach your goal before you hit 30!