need encouragement :-/

I lost 30 lbs, and held that weight for about 4 months. But in the last 6 months I have put back on about 12 pounds! I thought I had established all my healthy habits, but when things got stressful (I am a caregiver for my two aging parents) I went back to eating the sweets and treats. I have decided today that I need to turn it around again (else I will have to go buy new clothes to replace all the ones I bought when I lost :-(

It's easier to keep going when you are losing and everyone is noticing and commenting on how great you look. But when you reach the goal and maintain for a while, there is not that positive feedback. I know I feel better about being healthy and I enjoyed buying my "skinny" clothes. But I am discouraged. I have lost weight several times over the last 8 years, but seem to keep putting it back on...


  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    Its so hard to maintain but once you get used to it it'll be good.. Take out the sweets and make sure your more active then your body is used too. Add me as a friend if you like :) Im a hoot (lol) I havent reached my goal yet but I notice the closer I get/stress makes me stop caring as much... Im going back on track (again) next week lol. Giving myself this weekend then kicking myselfin the *kitten*!
  • QuietImperfections
    QuietImperfections Posts: 57 Member
    First: Congrats on losing 30 pounds ^^

    Second: Don't get so down. Life happens and with being a caregiver, you seem to have alot on your plate.

    Like you said, you just need to turn it around again. You can totally do it; you have it in you. :flowerforyou:
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    The great thing about reaching the maintenance stage is that you can ALWAYS come up with new goals, your body really never stops changing. You can try to be faster, stronger, etc. Just remember, it's little things over a longer period of time that add up and, ultimately, determine your success! You can do anything. Just stick with it. Even if you feel like giving up, the most important thing is to come back the next day determined to get things done. You can do this!
  • claire47
    claire47 Posts: 39 Member
    I wish i knew a magic way to tell you that would help but i'm terrible for doing the same, for every 10lb i lose i put 4 back on before i get motivation again. only thing i can suggest is have a limit of say 4lb that you will let the scales hit and if you do hit it because of being bad you know you have to kick your *kitten* into gear. feel free to add me, motivation and support friends can be so helpful. Claire x
  • mboktay
    mboktay Posts: 69 Member
    Know you can get back on track. You are just one meal/walk away from beginning again. We all struggle with the ups and downs. For me its exercise, but MFP people kick me in the *kitten* and motivate. When you don't feel you are getting the feedback you need reach out. I know myself and SuperAmie are always active and encouraging. Add us both! AND she is a hoot!
  • MissMayBe840
    If it's not in the house, you cannot give in to temptation. I've seen a ton of people with lists of things to do instead of eating unhealthy snacks. A friend of mine is trying to lose fifty pounds to get back to a healthy BMI and she has a jar filled with "distractions from food" such as going to the park, sucking on a peppermint, painting her nails, chewing sugar free gum, or talking on the phone. It seems to be working for her, so maybe give it a try? I have an "Inspiration Board" pictures of the reasons why I want to lose! I have a picture of my super skinny jeans, my fiancee, the words Good Health written in bubble letters. You just need to find what works for you! Also, instead of torturing yourself at the gym for hours, try fun activities like dancing, swimming, or yoga.