20 days only 2 pounds lost - Advice needed

Hi! I've been doing MFP for 20 days straight, logging everything, no cheating. I'm 5'2 and need to lose 10 to 15 pounds. I'm eating very close to 1200 calories per day, give or take 100 calories. I've only lost 2 pounds in 20 days. Advice please!


  • huskergina
    huskergina Posts: 11
    need to so what you are eating, how much water you are drinking, how much exercise you are doing
  • Fitty_Cent
    Fitty_Cent Posts: 41 Member
    That's only a little under a pound a week. IMHO you're doing fine and should just keep doing whatever you did to lose those first two pounds.
  • Hummingbird82
    Hummingbird82 Posts: 79 Member
    Unless you open your diary for public viewing its hard to give you advice? Like are you NET 1200 calories or eating 1200 calories but exercising so net under 1200? Eating 1200 calories of health real food or 1200 calories of "Diet" products etc?
  • JoyTLA
    JoyTLA Posts: 18
    I just made my food diary open for viewing. Sorry, I'm a newbie on here. I exercised 30 minutes 5 times a week for the first week. Then, no exercise this week.
  • smudgeroo
    smudgeroo Posts: 45
    It's very frustrating when you feel you're doing everything right and not seeing results. If you make your food diary public, I'm sure you will get lots of constructive advice if the problem lies there. I know from my own experience that it's good to miix things up and keep your body guessing. Exercise is also good for getting your metabolism working, so you can burn more calories while you're resting. You are losing, so you must be doing something right! Keep it up.
  • JoyTLA
    JoyTLA Posts: 18
    Here's my food diary: I made it viewable by the public. Any help appreciated!

  • mesparza94
    I would reccommend that you watch your sodium intake when eating your food, also try to take in small snacks inbetween your meals as well as taking more protein. The smaller meals you eat and the more protein you eat the faster your metabolism gets and the faster your body burns fat. I also recommend that you intake more water you should be drinking half your weight in ounces.
  • JoyTLA
    JoyTLA Posts: 18
    Thanks for the advice about the sodium and the water. I didn't have sodium as a category and I noticed that I'm on the higher end.
  • TonyFryckberg
    I'd watch water and sodium as well. Looking at your diary, it doesn't seem as though you're really drinking ANYTHING. I'd stick to the 8 glasses of water each day, limit the sodium and see where a week of that gets you. If you're not a water person, try flavoring it with something like MIO.

    Also, caloric deficit is where weight loss comes from, so make sure you're staying active as well.

    Best of luck and remember--this thing is as much about changing habits and changing lives as it is about the number on the scale.