Late Exerciser and Eater

Hi all, I know that we are not suppose to eat late or atleast eat 2 hours before we go to bed. By the time i get off work, peddle around the house and exercise for 1 hour of cardio/circuit training and eat, its almost 10 pm. Is that bad? My calorie intake is 1700-500=1200. I eat 3 meals plus 3 snacks and log everything faithfully. Everything i put in my mouth has to have fiber in it w/the exception of meat. Plus i do not go to bed atleast until 12 or 1 (more peddling) and i sleep like a log.

How late do you guys exercise and eat?


  • ambercole
    I do the same thing. I get off of work at 11pm then I hit the gym and eat when I get home, Sometimes it is 2 or 3 before I get to bed. I wouldnt mind so much but I have to wake up at 630 to get my son ready for school. I dont think that it matters when you eat as long as you eat healthy.
  • iluvfrogss
    That's where my problem is! I don't exercise until 7 or 8pm & I don't eat until 9 or 10pm! I have to retrain myself because I am not losing a freakin pound!!!!!!!!!! I need to get up & eat breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, then a light dinner (before 6pm) so that I keep my metabolism going throughout the day! But, it is so hard to change those habits! I'm not sure if it's bad, but I know I'm not making much progress because my body stays in starvation mode all day then stores the food I eat at night.
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    I usually get my workout done in the morning after breakfast. If not, I don't do it-- like today. But, that's just how my body/mind works. It was an abnormal day for me-- had some things to take care of.

    Very rarely will I workout at night. It's not that it affects my sleeping-- I can't sleep regardless. It's just that I have to get it out of the way early in the day or I will talk myself out of it.

    As for the eating thing-- all cals are the same no matter the time of day consumed.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    My last exercise is around 9 I'll have a snack and go to bed around 11-12. I have done this for the past 16 months and it works for me. Sometimes I'll get up and eat in the middle of the night if I get hungry (like I probably will tonight). If it works for you it works.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'll eat at any time of the night or day, and I've always been a late exerciser. :)
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I have heard time and time again that it's not WHEN you eat, it's WHAT you eat. I personally like to have a snack before bed, and it's usually not something super healthy (if my calories allow, of course :wink:) and I haven't had a problem with it. If it works for you, then stick with it!
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    I exercise late but I usually eat dinner before 6pm and then will only have two hardboiled eggwhites. I always feel like I'm leaving too much time without eating
  • jrobertson37
    jrobertson37 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks ladies, I thought it was just me!!! Alana how can you eat dinner at 6pm. I cannot do that or i would be starving and i cant stand to be sleeping and my stomach starts growling even though i wont get out of bed. Plus ladies that latter i work out i find that by the time my metabolism starts to slow down i just fall off to sleep!!! Wonderful isnt it. But there is no way i can get up early and exercise, I need all my sleep for work. Plus it helps that i have always been a night owl!!!!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I too, am a late eater/exerciser. I am up at 9am for medicine, then I usually fall back to sleep for an hour. Then I'm up for breakfast/lunch and coffee. I'm in the pool at 5:45pm till 8:30pm. Then it's back home for dinner and usually a snack before bed. I have been faithfully logging everything I eat and all of my exercise. Can't tell how it's working, as I don't weigh myself until Wed. But, I can tell that my clothes are a little bit looser and I have a ton of energy.
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    Hi all, I know that we are not suppose to eat late or atleast eat 2 hours before we go to bed. By the time i get off work, peddle around the house and exercise for 1 hour of cardio/circuit training and eat, its almost 10 pm. Is that bad? My calorie intake is 1700-500=1200. I eat 3 meals plus 3 snacks and log everything faithfully. Everything i put in my mouth has to have fiber in it w/the exception of meat. Plus i do not go to bed atleast until 12 or 1 (more peddling) and i sleep like a log.

    How late do you guys exercise and eat?

    No it is not bad. There is nothing wrong with eating late, especially if you exercise late. I exercise first thing in the morning and I eat a meal with carbs, fat and protein right before bed every night.
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    I am a late eater/exerciser too! From what I have researched, the reason most sites/articles recommend that you don't eat two hours before bed is that it is most typical for late eaters to binge at the end of the day because they are starving by the time that late hour rolls around. If this is your normal schedule, and you don't over eat because you have waited so long for your meal, then it shouldn't matter. It is all calories in versus out.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I always save enough calories in my day for a snack before bed. But then, I'm in the process of weaning my son and he only nurses before bed and a few times during the night. Therefore, I need a little caloric boost before I go to sleep, to account for that. Hasn't had any negative effects for me thus far, so long as I make sure my late night snack is a healthy one.