Need help with a history essay.....

leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
edited September 20 in Chit-Chat
....about the origins of the winter holiddays. Hope its ok to ask this here..........( I can't find any helpful answers anywhere else.)

Historically speaking, in the times of Jesus, did the jews celebrate Saturlina or the winter solstice? If so, was it by force or by choice? I need reliable sources for this answer.


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Check out the Wikipedia article for Christmas:

    There are a ton of references and good information. It might help you.
  • patsysite
    patsysite Posts: 5 Member
    Almost there! Congratulations!
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Jews didn't celebrate the pagan holidays like winter solitice. They only celebrated religious feast such as Passover which is the celebration of the Exodus out of Egypt & Hannakuh which is the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after the Maccabee revolts around the 2nd century B.C. Jews were the original monotheistic religion. I teach 6 grade history & teach about the ancient Hebrews every year :-) Hope this helps...good luck on your paper!
  • The Christian's incorpreated the the Celtic-pagan celabration of winter solstice and called it Christmas, the birth of Jesus (even though he was really born in early spring probably March). They did this to bring in the Celts into Christianity. Many so called Christian holidays came about in this way.
  • Thanks. With the links and posts here and on another site, I found the answer.

    They were granted exepmption by the Romans because Herod convinced them it would keep the peace.

    Thank you for sharing your knowlege!

    Now, does anybody want to write my essay for me? LOL:wink:
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