lack of motivation feeling horrible

lately ive just lost a lot of motivation. i still eat healthy and exercise but i just feel horrible and like its not enough. i used to workout every morning before i ate but lately its just too much i hate getting up early .so ive decided to do my workouts before dinner, but then all day i keep thinking omg i didnt do anything i must have gained even though i know i will work out i just havent yet. i cant go all day knowing i havent done anything yet i cant bring myself to do it in the morning. its a horrible feeling and when i do workout i feel like im not doing anything even though i sweat and everything. does anybody have any tips to help me get over this feeling? ive switched up my routines many of times but after a week of doing something new i think oh this isnt helping may as well stop.


  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    Hi. You've come so far already. There's no need in stopping for good now. You know what happens when you go back to old ways.

    I'm in the same mood as you. My mood started Sunday. I'm just exhausted. I didn't take a rest day last week. I think that's part of it. So, I took yesterday off. Then, I ended up overeating-- figures. I just have to keep working at it. I just know that I don't want to end up where I was a year ago and definitely don't want to go back where I was 5 years ago.

    I don't feel like working out today. I'm tired. I feel like I'm crashing-- I really do. But, I think if I get up and move I'll feel better. So, that's what I'm going to do.

    If you think it will help, take a rest day. Have a cheat day. Sometimes that "resets" my mind. I say this with caution-- it only works when you know you can get back on track sooner than later.

    You're not going to be motivated every day. But, just know that being healthy is a choice we make-- we either do it or we don't. It's okay to have "i feel like crap days" but, it's not okay to give up.

    Hang in there. Take some "you" time. :)
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    Iv'e been feeling the same way lately! i think it might be because of the holiday mentality. My eating has been off and im not as motived. Like you I used to workout every morning, pretty much same time too. Lately i have been eating breakfast and then pushing my workout later and later in the day. I really think it might be because a lot of us are so worried about going off track or gaining weight during the holidays, we kind of shut down. I mean it seems like EVERYONE is talking about gaining weight that we feel like we are too. We are so worried about it that we mentally just feel tired. I think we will get through this, just make sure you keep working out everyday, log in your food and we should be fine. I hope this helps a little. =)
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    I wish I had an answer for you. I too go through spells where I don't want to get up and exercise. I know that if I don't do it in the morning, I won't do it at all. I keep putting it off all day, then never do it. What usually happens is that I just quit for awhile until my motivation comes back. I found myself dreading getting up in the morning because I knew I had to exercise. What a terrible way to start each day, dreading every minute I'm up because I needed to exercise and kept putting it off. Then feeling guilty because I didn't do it. I suggest you just give yourself a break. Tell yourself it's okay that you don't exercise today, because it is. Pamper yourself a few days a week. Just sleep in or lay around and read a book....go shopping. Do something that you like to do and tell yourself it's okay. Most exercise regimines recommend that you work out, walk, run or whatever, at least 3 days a week. That's far from EVERY day. Some days I start exercising the minute my feet hit the floor. Some days I wait until after I've had my coffee and read my emails. Sometimes I don't exercise at all, but when I do, I do it because I WANT to. Attitude is everything. Feel good when you do it, don't feel guilty when you don't.
  • bortass
    bortass Posts: 91 Member

    Sounds like you're just stressing yourself out during the day. Take a deep breath and relax.

    Weight loss is a cumalative(sp?) journey. Changing when you workout(as long as you do workout) is not gonna make or break you. If the only change is when it occurs during the day, you bascially have a zero sum game. The order is different but the end result will be the same.

    You know you'll work out. Remind yourself of that and chill. Don't make it harder then it has to be.

    Do you have a heart rate monitor? That will tell you what you are doing during your workout. You may feel different because of the difference in time of day but I bet your workout is just as effective. I know if i do one early in the morning or late at night, I feel more tired at first compared to when i do it right after work.
  • dfgreen
    sounds like you're wearing yourself out. things become repitative when you do them daily. try taking a break in between days. workout on monday then take tuesday off etc..
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    If it helps, I just read a study that your body works harder if you exercise in the evenings. Your muscles are more relaxed and stretched out so you can get your heart rate up more.

    This is all in your head, so maybe some kind of info like that might help.
  • photoman67
    photoman67 Posts: 116 Member
    If you're working out in the morning, it is very important that you eat a healthy breakfast BEFORE you work out. Eat some protein and some healthy carbs (like oatmeal). If you do that you will have a lot more energy to get through your workout, plus you will be kick starting your metabolism. That's why it is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    lately ive just lost a lot of motivation. i still eat healthy and exercise but i just feel horrible and like its not enough. i used to workout every morning before i ate but lately its just too much i hate getting up early .so ive decided to do my workouts before dinner, but then all day i keep thinking omg i didnt do anything i must have gained even though i know i will work out i just havent yet. i cant go all day knowing i havent done anything yet i cant bring myself to do it in the morning. its a horrible feeling and when i do workout i feel like im not doing anything even though i sweat and everything. does anybody have any tips to help me get over this feeling? ive switched up my routines many of times but after a week of doing something new i think oh this isnt helping may as well stop.

    I'm no expert but it sounds like you have burnt yourself out. :flowerforyou:

    If I'm correct you have lost over 70 lbs. :noway: A Big Congrats! You should be proud and celebrating what you have accomplished. Not stressing out over every workout. I've not lost as much weight, but I've also been feeling BLAH about exercising. What I decided to do being that I'm 5 lbs away from MY goal. I lowered my weekly loss to 1/2 lb. and decided that if I get in 3 workouts in the week I'm Good. I chose the 3 things I love the most... rollerbalding, walking and eliptical. I have my own spreadsheet where I track my Weekly Deficit. This has done wonders for the guilt I would have when I didn't exercise. Last week I did maybe 3 days and ate like a pig. When I looked at my weekly deficit I had eaten 480 calories too many. Oh well, I know I can make that up this week and still not gain :bigsmile: Or I can let it go and make this week a better one. :wink: and still not gain. Now that I've lost most of my weight I think of it as every workout is a bonus for my health now.

    Good luck!
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    thanks for all the tips and encouragement i will keep going!
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    thanks for all the tips and encouragement i will keep going!

    If you have not had a week or two off from training in 8-12 weeks or longer you are probably due for a break. You'll come back refreshed and completely re motivated,