
Motivation is a funny thing. I run purely because the joy it gives me. I've ran a couple marathons and eight half marathons. I am by no means "over weight", I just feel like I suck at dieting. I often feel heavy and have a body dismorphia.
I have a goal however to get down to 135, and I look at all the people on here and they are doing so well. The before and after pictures and the motivation people give here is great. I'm just looking for someone kind of like me who diets, but always looses their focus some way or another.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is.....
How do you stay focused on the diet part? Exercise comes easy to me, by running over six miles daily...
Thank you. :)


  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    For me? Well, I finally accepted that this was not a means to an end: it is the way I will be eating forever. No low calorie "diets" and no deprivation, just consistantly making healthy choices for myself and my family.

    Motivation helped initially, but habit and commitment have kept me going. As Nike would say, "Just do it!".
  • annabellaisme
    annabellaisme Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks!!! (: