30 day shred (3rd day)

I don't really feel like its doing anything to my stomach area, I do feel it in my arms (a lot) and my legs! Anyway just wanted to share that I completed my 3rd day (:

I like feeling sore...lol, lets me know I'm doing something :P


  • lpkitty
    lpkitty Posts: 45
    I'm going to do day 3 tonight, I can't feel it in my stomach either, but my legs are dying. I love doing the squats with the punching though.
  • findingme07
    findingme07 Posts: 156 Member
    I am on month two week two of Insanity, but I decided to try 30 DS on my off day and I found level one too easy. If you want to see and feel it in the abs....try Insanity....it's amazing; my fav by far!
  • gigibenton
    gigibenton Posts: 123 Member
    I'm on day 7...haven't been doing it daily so my results are probably not that remarkable but I did notice that my clothes are already feeling loser even though the scale went up just a little. I agree that it seems to make your thighs burn but not the abs. I hate every minute of it but plan to stick with it lol!