For those who lost 100lbs....

Did you have loose skin? Loose enough to the point that you need or may need surgery? My biggest fear is possible needing to have surgery and a breast lift.


  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member

    Great question! I would love to hear the responses for those that have lost that much!

    I have the same fears! I have about 125lbs to lose, and am terrified that everything will look not so nice at the end!
  • microburst20
    microburst20 Posts: 130
    My husband lost 100lbs, not on purpose but because some medication he had to take made him extremely nauseated. At first he looked terrible but as time went by his body seemed to adjust. There are a few sags, not extreme by any means. But then again we are getting to the age where we might have sags anyway.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I've lost 80lb (another 70lb still to go) and so far not really. Some on my breasts (and they've gone down from about a G/H to a D and I am THRILLED) I still have quite a bit of fat there so it's impossible to say if I will once I get smaller.
  • JayBee838
    JayBee838 Posts: 7
    I've lost 83lbs so far but I don't think I can really answer very well as I still have another 70-80lbs left to loose. But so far everything's fine.. I have a saggy tummy but that's down to having 2 children & 2 c-sections. Exercise is really important obviously.. That'll help x
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    Lost 180 pounds so far (15 or so to go). I have some around my stomach but it is slowly decreasing and getting tighter. Considering I have been overweight for 27 years, I know I might not get results I want. A young age is a bonus, more skin elasticity.

    Some tips.

    Keep well hydrated
    Try some cream such as Bio Oil or coconut cream
    One a day multi vitamin doesn't hurt either for any lack in diet
    Exercise can help the muscles underneath so look better afterwards rather than let skin just hang.
  • alexandradeyl
    alexandradeyl Posts: 67 Member
    I have lost close to 130 pounds and have loose skin. I once considered surgery, but now I dont think i will ever have that done. Im a recovering addict and wont do anything that would require pain medication.
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    the younger you are the better the skin will tighten when losing weight. Do try to exercise to tone it up to help that along!
  • MikeRadClan
    MikeRadClan Posts: 7 Member
    I lost 120lbs..... It depends on your bodytype.....
    It is worse for me because most of my fat was located stomach and mid-section and I lost the weight very quickly some weeks 7-10lbs!!! .... my arms and legs are really no different than when I had the weight on..... But my mid-section...Yeeesh

    Mine is now starting to get better after a few months. This is where strength training is important. I was doing 1 hour on the bike every day and swin and was told by a trainer to concentrait on a more muscle focused workout.... Its gonna take time (alot since I'm over 40) But hey this shouldn't be a fast process..... And I'm enjoying all the challenges of the journey of remaking myself.....

    Good Luck to you.....
    Its not a race.....
    Take time to enjoy every pound that comes off....soon enough we'll all be tremendous hotbods, relish the process
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I have not had any loose skin, but pretty much lost my boobs. I went from a 42D to a 36A, and they could use a good propping up. Overall, though, I get happier with my body with every day that goes by. Weight lifting will do wonders for your body tone. I started a couple of months ago and have had people ask me how much more I've lost. The answer is NONE. It's all due to the weights and I just look like I've lost (and clothes also feel more loose).
  • Snuffle0107
    So far I have lost 135lbs. I started strength training early on in my weightloss and I a surprised at how I have manage to tone up. I still have an issue with my tummy but I have switched my focus from losing to toning and I am seeing good results.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm 45 and lost 113 pounds. It's not too bad...but I've had 4 pregnancies and 4 c-sections and weight loss or not can't change that. Time and strength training helps.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    You know, I've read a lot of these threads and a lot of responses from people who wound up with some degree of loose skin. Not one of those people said they regretting losing the weight, loose skin and all.
  • nmclaurin
    nmclaurin Posts: 43
    I've lost 105lbs and I have some loose skin, but it's not that bad. And I know it's because I lost it the right way by healthy eating and exercise, as opposed to surgery. You can tell when someone has had surgery because the loose skin is much worse.
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Lost 95--have bikini pix all over the forums. Very little loose skin.
  • sissie2955
    sissie2955 Posts: 47
    I have lost 160lbs. Just started on this program to help loose the last 70. There are way too many factors for anyone to give you an answer, other than there own. It depends on age, how much you were overweight, how long and your body. I will say that I have loose "bat wings", I have skin that is loose on stomach and I have to be very careful not to get rash's or infections. Also my inner thighs. I am down from a size woman's 36 to a 18. I would not trade one for the other, if I cannot afford the surgery when I am done I would still rather be healthy for me and my children vrs being morbidly obese and not being able to play with my children or enjoy life doing so many things I can do now I could not before.