NewB and need LOTS of support

I'm 24 and feel SO unfit. I'm sore all over cause I just started working out. I am 5ft4", 140lbs and a size 8/10 clothes. I want to lose at least 15lbs and reduce my dress size to 4/6. I want to feel healthy and boost my self confidence. I want to get into little dresses and not scrounge for a body shapper to 'fix' the shape of my body.
I am easliy demotivated so I need all the help I can get. I have had my profile for about 4 days and just started browsing through it. I have a wellness coach from Herbal Life and a persornal trainer who pushes me to work out 3times a week for 30mins. I'm scared that once my sessions are done (they are SO expensive) I will not be able to keep it up on my own.
I seem to be on a SEE FOOD DIET. I just can't say NO to food. HELP HELP HELP!!!! I want my life back.
I have started drinking lots of water 2-3litres a day and am cooking at home.
Please help me stay on track.


  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    Welcome to MFP just start recording stuff in you diary befor you eat it and you'll be amazed at how much easier it is to resist. You don't have much to lose so it will be hard and might come off slowly. Good luck with your personal trainer.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    Good luck in your journey, they say the closer you are to your goal the slower it comes, not really a bad thing, but it can be frustrating. Be patient with yourself and log everything! Even the bad food, even if it puts you over, even if it's kept to private and it's only you who sees it. If you use facebook, there's alot of good pages on there for fitness or specifically exercise too.

    Try to start measuring out all your servings as accurately as possible and look up the calories before you eat it(helped me resist some cravings) Don't be to hard on yourself, and try to exercise if you go over, I like to think of it as "Earning it" while I'm transitioning to less junk n more real food.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member

    Firstly, I'd say work on loving yourself as you are. You're gorgeous and really not that fat! I know this 'cos I'm the same height and a bit heavier than you after losing 20 pounds! :smile: I don't use body shapers and I wear little dresses. I'm an hourglass shape so I've got a fairly flat tummy but pudgy arms and legs. I wear tight knee lenth dresses and flared 50's style skirts to flatter my figure.

    I don't know what body shape you are, but I'd say dress to flatter how you look now and enjoy your good bits! Please don't ever compare yourself to celebrities (Just in case you are). Be wary of comparing yourself to friends too... comparisons are the thief of joy. Focus on being the best 'you' that you can be.

    Secondly - calories are more important than exercise for weight loss. If you just keep logging everything that goes into your mouth and persist even if you stuff up now and again, you'll get there. Exercise doesn't need to be a full on gym session either. Walking is fine - it all burns calories and gets you fitter.

    Good luck!
  • littlefreckle91
    Hi,We're the same height and I used to be around 135lb.Feel free to add if you need support,i'm always on here! You can do this!
  • rhymeswithfox
    rhymeswithfox Posts: 63 Member
    I'm the same height as you and had about the same starting weight as well. Feel free to friend me and we can support each other :)

    My best advice is every morning, every time before you eat, and every time you don't feel like exercising, ask yourself what type of person you want to be. Do you want to be over weight, lazy, panting just walking up a couple of steps, embarrassed about going out in nice clothes? (As you can see I've asked myself this many times lol) Or do you want to be strong and sexy, motivated, able to wear what you want to wear, and confident?

    Also even if you don't feel like exercising do just a couple minutes of walking or running or whatever it is and then decide if you want to keep going, often the answer will be yes.

    And lastly, keep foods around the house that are healthy. I notice if I run out of money to go get groceries and I eat other people's food or have to rely on fast food I am more hungry, eating unhealthy, and unmotivated to exercise.

    Oh wait one more lol- even if you're having a bad food day, exercise day, or just plain old depressed, log anyways so you don't lose the habit, even if you have to estimate or guess, just long something!

    Anyways, if you want a friend who's on everyday, hit me up, good luck!
  • Mlarale48
    Mlarale48 Posts: 3
  • Mlarale48
    Mlarale48 Posts: 3
  • Mlarale48
    Mlarale48 Posts: 3