Looking to make a few friends

jenfett1 Posts: 157 Member
Hi Everyone, I have been on a new path for a few weeks and feeling good about the progress so far. I have a tendency to do very well for a month or two and can drop 20lbs or so and then just derail and gain it all back. I have a different state of mind now than before. I am making a life change in many ways and hoping that this time everything will fall into place. The biggest lesson I have had to learn is that today is only one day and tomorrow is a whole new day. What I do today will not completely ruin all that I have worked for and any progress that I have made. A few coworkers have been competing to see who can lose the most weight over the past few months and both look amazing and it has been a real motivator, but they are pretty much done with their competition. A new one may start up on the 30th and I join it if I feel comfortable. They were the ones who told me about this site and I love it!!

I have a lot of weight to lose and I know it. I have set my first goal at 73 lbs. I am 5'5" and when I started I weighed 273 lbs. I haven't weighed myself since starting because I have a bad habit of getting depressed when the scales don't reflect as much as I would like them too. I will weigh once a month at first and go from there. I am just doing good old fashioned watching what I eat and exercise.

I would love to make friends with anyone who has similar weight loss goals or anyone for that matter who is wanting to work together to keep each other motivated. I am also thinking that I am going to do a blog. I don't know that people would be interested in reading it, but it would be another outlet to help keep me on track. Add me as a friend or message me. I usually log on a few times a day so if I don't respond right away just know that I will.


  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    What country are you in?
  • lydiatina
    lydiatina Posts: 14
    hey a blog would be great and something you can look back on and help inspire others!id love to be on this journey with you!!