How did you pick where you wanted your GW to be...



  • chellie47
    chellie47 Posts: 97 Member
    I haven't sent a GW - With the weight I have to loose its to daunting! I just take it one small goal at a time :) SO far I hit 2 of my goals...the third one ... its been a little harder :) after I get my third goal done.... I will decided on the next...
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    My doctor and I worked it's a little loosey goosey the sense that my goal weight is 134 according to his charts and calculations but both and I decided that with my frame that 150 would probably be excellent I'll get to 150 and make a decision from there...

    I still posted my GW as 134 as it keeps me real on the ultimate goal...whether or not I stop short of that doesn't change my commitment.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I don't have a GW because unlike most everyone else I'm fully aware of the fact that there are factors beyond my control that can affect it, like LBM, water weight, and others.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I am aiming for near the top of my BMI range, I have not been there since before I was 20 and I was concidered chunky by my peers then - This time I will be tone too so that should solve that problem.:happy:
  • carinnaj
    carinnaj Posts: 149
    According to the BMI chart, at my goal weight I will still be considered overweight.. so I am not going by that at all. I picked 165 lbs as my goal weight because that was the weight that I was happiest with my body at. I've been large (over 200 lbs for most of my life. all through middle school, high school, and for a few years after high school. then I lost almost 90 pounds and dropped from 228 to 142 lb. at 142 lbs I thought I was too skinny so I definitely don't want to get back to that weight, at least not without strength training to change my body composition/shape. I can't rule out 142 completely but I do not want to look like I did before at 142. I would be happy to get back to how I looked at 165 before.
  • stumpycow
    stumpycow Posts: 94 Member
    I picked 120 lbs only because that's why I weighed before kids and it seemed like a reasonable number (I'm 5'3"). But I'm not actually sure what I'll end up at because I'm more concerned with losing my tummy and gaining muscles! 10 years ago I was skinny but not toned, I had pretty much no muscles and some thunderin' thighs so we'll see where this adventure takes me
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    BMI is so I chose my goal weight as the same amount lbs I was when I entered college 175-180. I was happy at that weight, so I guess I want to go back there.
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    My GW is not set in stone, I haven't been under 100kg for years. My heaviest was 150.4kg so I am aiming for 99kg and then I will review where I want to head. Quite frankly if I get to 99 I will feel like a miracle has occured and will be stoked with that. I have no idea what I will end up at, I will stop when I feel I look my best. I have no plan to head to a size 12, I will be thrilled to no longer have to shop at the fat stores :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I picked the weight I had when I graduated from college. 22 was a great age. Can I pick that too?
  • No goal weight at all! My goal is 20% body fat which is considered fit by the medical community. The doctor was happy with my choice and said not to focus on lbs.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my original goal weight was 125, but I've since lowered it to 120, maybe lower.
    I picked it because my Senior yr of HS I was 140 and chubby so I thought mayb 15lbs less would be better. Now that I'm at 130, I think 10-15lbs less will be best.
    If I liked how I looked before I reached my GW, then yes I would stop, but I know I'm not. Weight isn't so important to me. I just want to look good. I want want abs. I want muscle. When I get there I will be satisfied, no matter what I weigh.
  • @pichild, mind telling me what page? if links aren't allowed publically you could send me a message (:
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    I picked 145 because at my height, 5'4", 145 is the highest for a healthy weight range. My biggest issue is the skin and how much that weighs. At 145, I'll probably be closer to 135 in body composition if I didn't have the skin on my stomach and thighs.
  • blueangelgre
    blueangelgre Posts: 2 Member
    being a yoyoer myself i know it isn't about the number on the scale that matters.... i got down to 150lbs once for about 2 years and looked awesome everything was tight and toned... then gave up and gained about 40lbs then got down to 160lbs by just walking and nothing was toned even though i was actually smaller in inches.... don't ask i don't know but as i've gotten older (i'm 31) my weight has shifted and my waist is smaller than it used to be.... but as long as everything is toned and in shape who cares how heavy you actually are.