Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone,
I'm Christina and I'm new to MFP, my family has always had an issue with weight and has always been an issue we can never keep off but ever since I got a job working as a toll booth clerk I have gained weight and that has always been difficult for me to lose the weight off. I am trying to lose some of the weight to show to my family that we can lose the weight it just takes hard work and dedication. I joined the site in hope to meet new friends that will support and encourage me to lose the weight so I hope I can meet new people and people who have used this app to lose weight if so I would really be interested in to hear how you lost the weight and kept it off.


  • blueangelgre
    blueangelgre Posts: 2 Member
    wish i had a success story to tell you... i myself have yo yo a lot through my life, but i know how to lose weight and my suggestion on how to keep it off is to keep a close eye on it all... keep moving even once you hit your goal, and keep a eye on your food, don't just hit you goal and then go buck wild eating crap. If you eat crap don't do it everyday, or even every other day, just once in a while. i did lose 70 lbs one time and keep it off for 2 years but stressful times in life caused me to gain like 40lbs, then i lost 30, then gained 65... which is where i'm at now... 215lbs... but not for long... i'm exercising and watching what i eat. I'm a stress eater, hopefully you don't have that problem. good luck to you
  • Hi Christina
    I have been a member for 1 week & I lost already 4 lbs.
    It works!
    You just have to record what you eat. For me, it's like a game.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. :smile: Make a lot of friends on this site as it really does help with the motivation.
  • @Blueangel: Thank you, it is very hard, but don't give up I know you can lose the weight:) once I lose the weight I do plan to maintain to keep it off as much as I can for as long as I can. Weight gain is usually because of stress and working in a job like mine, but I know I can do it and have as much support then I do now. Once you lose the weight you be able to tell a success story, so best of luck to you and I'm here for support.
  • @Dallevacpa: Wow!!! Congratulations:) I hope I can lose some weight by the end of this week, I'm doing cardio 4 days a week every morning before I have to work & I'm trying to control and watch what I eat but it is so hard, but I'm trying.
  • @ Skinnyme: Thank you, so far I have meet new and very supportive people:)
  • stacey1172
    stacey1172 Posts: 43 Member
    good luck! you'll find some awesome people on here to help keep you motivated. feel free to add me if you'd like :)