
Okay, so I find that running, jump rope or jumping jacks hurt my knees what can I do as a cardio exercise that won't damage my knees I think I need to be like 100 pounds less because I am sure the reason they hurt when I work out is due to my size it must be alot for my knees to take the impact when working out. Any suggestions? Thanks all :)


  • krue1971
    krue1971 Posts: 167 Member
    Bicycle, stationary bike or elliptical is what I do when my knees are bothering me.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Boxing/punching is decent cardio without bouncing around. You could also see a doctor to figure out whether the pain could be alleviated simply by strengthening the muscles around your knees, and get suggested physio exercises to do so.

    Swimming is excellent exercise. Vinyasa yoga will get your heart rate up. Even going for fast laced walks could help.
  • pigeonhugger
    pigeonhugger Posts: 81 Member
    I agree with what is said above, boxing, cycling or swimming could be great.

    Also if you are having joint pain its important to strenthen the muscles around the joints this happens naturally the more you exercise but could be helped along by strengthening exercises and flexibility exercises.

    Also with running, if you are doing so on a treadmill then consider going bare foot. I have always run barefoot and have never has any injuries. We werent designed to wear trainers. When we wear trainers we tend to hit the floor with the heel first quite heavily which can cause pain all up the leg and back. Naturally (without shoes) we tend to be ''lighter'' (to avoid the heel striking injuries) by having the weight over the toes of the body and striking the floor with the mid/front of the foot. It takes time to get used to this different style but try it.
  • Fenestra13
    Fenestra13 Posts: 30 Member
    I have knees that get sore from impact because the knee cap slides out of the slot. I love Zumba but can't do a lot of the jumping. I started Aqua AeroBics (aka water aerobics, or aqua zumba would be ok too). Originally, I thought it would be good because the water reduces the impact on the knees, which is true. But the best benefit has been that it has strengthened my knee and ankle joints, so they don't hurt so much from walking up stairs, zumba, etc. If you have any of these classes in your area, I highly recommend them. Keep in mind that quality of instructors can vary a lot, and it takes longer to know if you're doing the technique properly, because it can sometimes feel easy in the water.

    Swimming is good too, but I find swimming laps boring.
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    About just plain old walking? You can increase your speed as you need to and its fairly easy on the joints.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    I'm in the same boat. My knees are very bad and even walking is too much for them some days. I say swim swim swim! It has zero impact on your knees and burns a LOT of calories. Also, I find working out with a fitness ball really helps me a lot.
  • Kebabmeatchips
    Kebabmeatchips Posts: 32 Member
    Indoor Rowing. Best indoor non impact activity you can do :)

    Concept2 all the way :-)
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    WOW these are all amazing awesome tips!!! I can't wait until I am comfortable enough to get into a public swimming pool for your suggestions. I know I shouldn't care I am there to benifit myself, but I live in a small town and if one of my regular customers happened to come in and saw me almost naked in my one piece haha I would die from ebaressment. These are super awesome tips though and I vow this very day when I feel comfortable enough to get in a public swimpool to do so :) Lol @ the last comment. I tried that yesterday got the idea from jillian something or other from youtube. Thank you everyone for the great options.
  • Fenestra13
    Fenestra13 Posts: 30 Member
    WOW these are all amazing awesome tips!!! I can't wait until I am comfortable enough to get into a public swimming pool for your suggestions. I know I shouldn't care I am there to benifit myself, but I live in a small town and if one of my regular customers happened to come in and saw me almost naked in my one piece haha I would die from ebaressment. These are super awesome tips though and I vow this very day when I feel comfortable enough to get in a public swimpool to do so :) Lol @ the last comment. I tried that yesterday got the idea from jillian something or other from youtube. Thank you everyone for the great options.

    I understand your reluctance to get into the pool, but let me try to encourage you! I go at work, where everyone else in the class is someone I work with that I can run into another time. Many of the people in my class are quite large ladies, but they come every time and really enjoy themselves. Because they seem so confident, I don't think anyone even notices! Also, there are some really great bathing suits on the market now with full coverage, and skirts that are more fitted and look younger that look pretty good and cover up more. Also, if you could find a water aerobics class, it'd be better to do the class with a tshirt on than not do it at all! Much harder to swim in a shirt though.

    Most important is to get moving. I find this video EXTREMELY motivating. If this guy could get moving, of course I can! Maybe you could try something similar and get an at home yoga video. don't worry if you can't do everything. Do what you can do, and try to do more things as your strength improves.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    I really injured my knee badly running, and have been rehabilitating for 8 months, but may not be able to run again because my doctor says I have arthritis now and wrecked the cartilege. Here's what I do instead: a lot of hilly biking, swimming, walking with Norwegian walking poles (which takes a lot of pressure off my joints, and also makes walking a whole body exercise because you use your core and upper body -- check it out on UTube); kettle bell; pilates, weights. Also my knee dr. said that each pound lost is like 4 pounds of impact to the knee, and my knee if feeling better and better! One good thing about my knee situation is that it really increased all the different things I do for exercise (but I miss running).
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Bellydance! My instructor was several times my weight, and I swear i'd fall in love with her every time she started to dance...
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Indoor Rowing. Best indoor non impact activity you can do :)

    Concept2 all the way :-)

    Rowing is a great full body cardio workout.
    I love my Concept 2, but they are certainly an investment!
  • sunnyshine1313
    sunnyshine1313 Posts: 112 Member
    This is a great thread, love reading the suggestions as knee pain can definitely be quite a bump in the road. I haven't been able to workout for a few days due to it hurting to even walk, so I guess upper body and swimming would be the route to go for now until the pain subsides.

    Does anyone have any good suggestions for knee braces to wear to help support the while working out? I have bought multiple different ones and have been extremely disappointed with them as they are uncomfortable and rub....
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I have to guard my knees due to arthritis. However, it doesn't stop me from working out! Spin class gives me an awesome cardio workout. I also bike outside, use the elliptical and walk. Yoga is okay but some of the poses can be taxing on your knees. If anything you try hurts, please stop and look for something else to do!
  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    (Finestra's post)I understand your reluctance to get into the pool, but let me try to encourage you! I go at work, where everyone else in the class is someone I work with that I can run into another time. Many of the people in my class are quite large ladies, but they come every time and really enjoy themselves. Because they seem so confident, I don't think anyone even notices! Also, there are some really great bathing suits on the market now with full coverage, and skirts that are more fitted and look younger that look pretty good and cover up more. Also, if you could find a water aerobics class, it'd be better to do the class with a tshirt on than not do it at all! Much harder to swim in a shirt though.

    (my post...I messed something I agree with this person. I am lucky enough to have a friend with a pool; however, if it makes YOU feel better, do it:) K Mart (if there's one near you) carries very nice plus-sized bathing suits (ones with skirts or shorts). I have to be careful with my knee bc I had a torn meniscus last year (had surgery to fix it). Anyway, I find Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds DVDs are helpful to me. It's not a lot of jarring....and you can build up to each mile... I'm on my 4th week with her DVDs! Very doable:) I also recommend an elliptical if you have access to one; they are awesome! Good luck to you:)
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I own a bathing suit with a skirt, but I guess its because until recently I wouldn't even show my arms in public so its hard to picture myself showing my legs and what not lol. I do however suddenly feel inspired to call the pool here in town and inquire about fitness classes. Maybe I will make that my goal today. I have to break this chain at some point and not feel as though I need to be trapped in this fat girl syndrome for life. What happens when I lose a signifigant amount of weight will I always shy away from public places because of my past I need to just get er' done lol. Thank you all so much for the insperation, tips and advice. I will also check out these videos :-)
  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    I own a bathing suit with a skirt, but I guess its because until recently I wouldn't even show my arms in public so its hard to picture myself showing my legs and what not lol. I do however suddenly feel inspired to call the pool here in town and inquire about fitness classes. Maybe I will make that my goal today. I have to break this chain at some point and not feel as though I need to be trapped in this fat girl syndrome for life. What happens when I lose a signifigant amount of weight will I always shy away from public places because of my past I need to just get er' done lol. Thank you all so much for the insperation, tips and advice. I will also check out these videos :-)
    I don't know if you totally are free of insecurities. I, too hate my arms--all my sleeves have to come at least to the elbow. Well, a few years ago, I was down to 145 (at 5'8" tall) and I STILL would not wear a tank top. Trust me, I understand all too much about feeling insecure. I hope you do get the courage to call today:) Good luck to you! PS...I think some of the walk away the pounds miles can be found on youtube....maybe look those up for free and see what you like:)
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    I don't care how big you are BEAUTIFUL. Wear that bathing suit with PRIDE and know that you are walking into that pool with the confidence of a woman who is DOING something about her life and her health. If anyone even dares to think any negative thoughts about your size then they are losers who don't deserve a second thought from you. You can do this! :)
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I don't care how big you are BEAUTIFUL. Wear that bathing suit with PRIDE and know that you are walking into that pool with the confidence of a woman who is DOING something about her life and her health. If anyone even dares to think any negative thoughts about your size then they are losers who don't deserve a second thought from you. You can do this! :)

    Awe, I woke up to this comment thank you so much!! What a incredibly positive comment, thank you from my heart! I know your right they wouldn't deserve a second thought. Thank you so much again xox
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member