Walking Away Was The Hardest Thing

Onira76 Posts: 53 Member
Yesterday I walked away from the man I love. After a year of his inability to commit and his hot and cold behaviour I left. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I have never loved a man with so much passion before in my life. I feel like he died. So I am treating it like that. I am treating it as if he is dead. Is that wrong of me to do?

Any tips on how to get over him?


  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Suck it up cupcake. (sorry, just usually what I say to be a little humorous) Maybe, he will one day realize that you were the one. Maybe not. These situations suck. :(
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    In one way the man is dead, if you've decided that it's really over and won't be taking him back. He's dead to you.
    You can now turn away and move forward starting with things that allow you to fully realise your self-worth. Then you step out there into the world and when you're ready, find someone a whole lot better for you.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Yesterday I walked away from the man I love. After a year of his inability to commit and his hot and cold behaviour I left. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I have never loved a man with so much passion before in my life. I feel like he died. So I am treating it like that. I am treating it as if he is dead. Is that wrong of me to do?

    Any tips on how to get over him?

    No...it's not wrong, and it's probably one of the healthiest ways to deal with it honestly.

    As long as you don't hold onto him and his memory as though he never was the way he was anyway.

    Good luck hun...seriously. Love is a tough thing when it's one sided.
  • krystinaestabrooks
    So let him go - You need to realize that your happiness is not totally dependent on another person. Do stuff that truly makes you feel good that don't involve FOOD (a serious four letter word)! Now get out there and do some serious exercise - you need the endorphins!
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    I'm sorry.

    As for how to heal, I suggest:
    Focus on yourself, things you enjoy doing, what makes you a special person. You will be fine! Make sure that you are 100% complete without him by valuing yourself as a person and what you have to offer the world and other people. You don't deserve hot and cold behavior and someone unwilling to commit - it just means either he wasn't the one or the timing wasn't right, but be sure you find someone who will treat you well and believe that you are a worthy, special person. Best of luck!
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    It's tough having to leave someone you love so much. If it helps you deal with it, then maybe that's the way it needs to be. You deserve someone who treats you amazingly, and unfortunately that can't always be the one you love. For now, focus on yourself, and what YOU want and need to do. Find out who you are and what you want in a man. When you're ready, you will find the man who will treat you right.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Actually you are doing exactly what I would do.
  • utahgirl247
    utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
    if you have loved him with all the passion of your heart, then you need to allow yourself to grieve over him. whether or not you consciously decide he is dead to you or not, it will still 'feel' that way.

    take your time, feel, cry, grieve. take care YOU! rejoice in the good times and the fact that you loved and were loved. let him go and wish him well, your choice to end this chapter in your life is just that, an end to a chapter.

    now you get to turn the page and create a whole new chapter filled with wonderment. hugs to you, i know what 'hurt' feels like.

    be well.
  • TinyTati
    TinyTati Posts: 6
    girl i just had to do the same thing. it was so hard. but we told we loved each other and that's that. were friends. but i need him out of my life completely.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    Yesterday I walked away from the man I love. After a year of his inability to commit and his hot and cold behaviour I left. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I have never loved a man with so much passion before in my life. I feel like he died. So I am treating it like that. I am treating it as if he is dead. Is that wrong of me to do?

    Any tips on how to get over him?

    It is a greiving process. You are greiving the lose of that relationship. But pat yourself on the back for realizing that you needed to move on. Are you grieving the loss of him or the loss of the person you wished and hoped he would be? You deserve to be loved in a way that you deserve.

    It is hard to get over. But with time I think you will see you did the right thing and loving yourself enough to know you deserve more.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    It's not wrong at all. Grief is grief, and in this case, the loss was a relationship. Just take things one day at a time, and take comfort that things WILL get better :)
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I am sorry.

    Allow yourself time to heal. You will find someone who truly loves you and will commit to you in the future. Mr. Right is out there....somewhere....but first take some time for yourself.:flowerforyou:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    First of all I want to say good job on walking away. I have TWO friends in that exact kind of relationship, and they have had their hearts shattered time and time again for over two years each.

    It sounds to me like you are going about it the only way you can when a man is hot/cold.
    Otherwise, he'll find another way to worm his way back in.

    Feel better, use this as motivation. And a lesson. Now you have a better idea of what you want, need and deserve.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Yesterday I walked away from the man I love. After a year of his inability to commit and his hot and cold behaviour I left. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I have never loved a man with so much passion before in my life. I feel like he died. So I am treating it like that. I am treating it as if he is dead. Is that wrong of me to do?

    Any tips on how to get over him?

    No...it's not wrong, and it's probably one of the healthiest ways to deal with it honestly.

    As long as you don't hold onto him and his memory as though he never was the way he was anyway.

    Good luck hun...seriously. Love is a tough thing when it's one sided.

    So much this. I have to add that you should be proud of yourself for having the strength to walk away.
  • Onira76
    Onira76 Posts: 53 Member
    Suck it up cupcake. (sorry, just usually what I say to be a little humorous) Maybe, he will one day realize that you were the one. Maybe not. These situations suck. :(

    Thank you for you humour I appreciate it :) i dont know what he will realise hell I dont even know what he actually felt for me. I still care for him so much. I have never gone through this heartache before and its just killing me.
    In one way the man is dead, if you've decided that it's really over and won't be taking him back. He's dead to you.
    You can now turn away and move forward starting with things that allow you to fully realise your self-worth. Then you step out there into the world and when you're ready, find someone a whole lot better for you.

    Oh god I havent even entertained the idea that he will come back. Sure if I go by the past he will contact me after a couple of weeks acting like nothing happened but at this point I am thinking that this is over. I realised my self worth the minute I told him im leaving. I wrote him an email after I left and he replied but I havent replied to him and I wont. I just thought he was the one but he has serious commitment issues obviously.

    Yesterday I walked away from the man I love. After a year of his inability to commit and his hot and cold behaviour I left. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I have never loved a man with so much passion before in my life. I feel like he died. So I am treating it like that. I am treating it as if he is dead. Is that wrong of me to do?

    Any tips on how to get over him?

    No...it's not wrong, and it's probably one of the healthiest ways to deal with it honestly.

    As long as you don't hold onto him and his memory as though he never was the way he was anyway.

    Good luck hun...seriously. Love is a tough thing when it's one sided.

    Thank you

    I dont know how to heal from this, what kept me with him is how he acted. When he wasnt going through the cold phase i was his world. His actions showed me love and i hung onto that I guess. He left and came back, like nothing had happened muliple times I should have never taken him back after the first time. Live and learn I guess.
    So let him go - You need to realize that your happiness is not totally dependent on another person. Do stuff that truly makes you feel good that don't involve FOOD (a serious four letter word)! Now get out there and do some serious exercise - you need the endorphins!

    Thank you and you are right. When it was good, i was on cloud 9, so euphoric. I need to forget that feeling and focus on how he made me feel during the bad times.
    I'm sorry.

    As for how to heal, I suggest:
    Focus on yourself, things you enjoy doing, what makes you a special person. You will be fine! Make sure that you are 100% complete without him by valuing yourself as a person and what you have to offer the world and other people. You don't deserve hot and cold behavior and someone unwilling to commit - it just means either he wasn't the one or the timing wasn't right, but be sure you find someone who will treat you well and believe that you are a worthy, special person. Best of luck!

    Thank you. This is very unlike me. I have never really acted like this, even when i left my marriage that was broken for years. I left and felt strong. Even with my two relationships before my marriage, I never cared. But this guy literally swept me off my feet. I have never loved like this before. But yeah I need to move on, as for another man. I cant even begin to think that there ever will be. Time will tell i guess.
    It's tough having to leave someone you love so much. If it helps you deal with it, then maybe that's the way it needs to be. You deserve someone who treats you amazingly, and unfortunately that can't always be the one you love. For now, focus on yourself, and what YOU want and need to do. Find out who you are and what you want in a man. When you're ready, you will find the man who will treat you right.

    Thank you. I was thinking of doing a course. Focus on something other than the pain. I guess he just wasnt the one for me even if I felt that he was.
  • littlered301
    littlered301 Posts: 23 Member
    Take care of yourself. It's hard, I have been there, as well as many others. We all survive, but it's getting there that can be tough.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Most of us have been there....we feel your pain. It isn't easy to get over someone, even if it was our own decision to move on. Change can be a scary thing but it is usually always a good thing...

    I would suggest taking your energy and putting it towards your exercise. Take up a new activity that is challenging and keeps your mind engaged. This way you are not sitting around thinking about him, wondering if you made the right choice, etc. There are so many fun activities out there (like karate, boot camps, running, swimming, training for a triathalon, etc). These activities will not just keep you busy but help you meet new people.

    Try some Yoga maybe. Meditation might help clear your mind...

    If you still feel like there is unsettled business write down all your thoughts and feelings. These 'letters' can be thrown out afterwards and don't need to be shown to anyone. Just get it all out and off your mind so you can move on.

    LAUGHTER!!! Go out with friends! This doesn't mean drinking, but just out somewhere to have fun. Go dancing! Go to a comedy club! Do something that will get you laughing and keep you busy. :)

    Of course, don't keep so busy that you don't deal with your emotions. You need to deal with them too otherwise they will resurface at the worst time. You need to get rid of that baggage...so do allow yourself time to think about him, to 'mourn' him...but only for a limited amount of time.

    Good luck! And don't worry, you'll be fine!
  • Foxcyclops
    Foxcyclops Posts: 12 Member
    Not in my book, Life is too short to wait on someone who won't commit. Love isn't afraid. You're taking care of yourself and that's what is important. It hurts, but that will pass.
    Thoughts are with you.
  • Onira76
    Onira76 Posts: 53 Member
    Actually you are doing exactly what I would do.

    It feels like death. My parents have both passed on and it feels like that. It hurts but I will admit this support and response from all you guys is giving me strength to do this. thank you!!
    if you have loved him with all the passion of your heart, then you need to allow yourself to grieve over him. whether or not you consciously decide he is dead to you or not, it will still 'feel' that way.

    take your time, feel, cry, grieve. take care YOU! rejoice in the good times and the fact that you loved and were loved. let him go and wish him well, your choice to end this chapter in your life is just that, an end to a chapter.

    now you get to turn the page and create a whole new chapter filled with wonderment. hugs to you, i know what 'hurt' feels like.

    be well.

    You are right. But I cant even think of the good times it makes me hurt that much more. Maybe after some time I will. I have been crying so much. I feel hurt from him and I should feel anger but I dont. I wished him well, told him i loved him dearly and left. Then I wrote him a letter, he responded but I left it. Didnt reply.
    girl i just had to do the same thing. it was so hard. but we told we loved each other and that's that. were friends. but i need him out of my life completely.

    I cant be friends with him. we tried that so many times. Tried to be just friends and we ended up doing so much more. Every time. We have a very strong physical attraction along with a mental one. Its just the emotions he couldnt handle them. I now know I was fooling myself into thinking that I could say no to him when he made advances. So at least for now friends is out of the question.

    Can I ask you when you left did he contact you in the end or did you?
    Yesterday I walked away from the man I love. After a year of his inability to commit and his hot and cold behaviour I left. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I have never loved a man with so much passion before in my life. I feel like he died. So I am treating it like that. I am treating it as if he is dead. Is that wrong of me to do?

    Any tips on how to get over him?

    It is a greiving process. You are greiving the lose of that relationship. But pat yourself on the back for realizing that you needed to move on. Are you grieving the loss of him or the loss of the person you wished and hoped he would be? You deserve to be loved in a way that you deserve.

    It is hard to get over. But with time I think you will see you did the right thing and loving yourself enough to know you deserve more.

    I am grieving both actually. He showed me what he could be on many occasions. It just used to get too much for him and he would back off and argue with me and make excuses to leave. He would leave or I would leave then after a few weeks he would contact me and act as if nothing happened. After he pushed me away once more yesterday I guess I snapped in a way. I told him although this is the hardest thing I will do I am leaving you. I have never told him that. This was the first time and I am sure its something that he dint expect. I have been thinking of him all day, and wondering how he is feeling. If he is feeling anything at all. I dont know. I know i deserve more thats why i left, but i also know I am weak when it comes to him. I hope he doesnt contact me at all, but then there is that small part of me that hopes he does.
    It's not wrong at all. Grief is grief, and in this case, the loss was a relationship. Just take things one day at a time, and take comfort that things WILL get better :)

    Thank you!! I cant even think ahead for the day, I have no choice but to take it a day at a time. I wish I could fast forward all this though the pain is horrible.
    I am sorry.

    Allow yourself time to heal. You will find someone who truly loves you and will commit to you in the future. Mr. Right is out there....somewhere....but first take some time for yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Thank you! Mr. Right could be staring at me and I wouldnt give him the time of day at this present moment. love sucks.
    First of all I want to say good job on walking away. I have TWO friends in that exact kind of relationship, and they have had their hearts shattered time and time again for over two years each.

    It sounds to me like you are going about it the only way you can when a man is hot/cold.
    Otherwise, he'll find another way to worm his way back in.

    Feel better, use this as motivation. And a lesson. Now you have a better idea of what you want, need and deserve.

    I hope he doesnt contact me, because at this moment I am weak. BUT I dont think he will. Maybe thats me being naive and not realising that what we had was a cycle but I think he has and maybe he will keep away from me.

    Thank you and I am so sorry to hear about your friends. I am too scared to tell mine they already have heard me cry for him so much so I have kept this to myself. I guess thats why I posted this thread.
    Yesterday I walked away from the man I love. After a year of his inability to commit and his hot and cold behaviour I left. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I have never loved a man with so much passion before in my life. I feel like he died. So I am treating it like that. I am treating it as if he is dead. Is that wrong of me to do?

    Any tips on how to get over him?

    No...it's not wrong, and it's probably one of the healthiest ways to deal with it honestly.

    As long as you don't hold onto him and his memory as though he never was the way he was anyway.

    Good luck hun...seriously. Love is a tough thing when it's one sided.

    So much this. I have to add that you should be proud of yourself for having the strength to walk away.

    Thank you! I think my fear was keeping me from walking away. Fear of never seeing him again, never talking to him etc BUT I realised that I love me more than him so I did it.
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    If you ever need to talk message me... I know many people that have been in your shoes.... You have to do what makes *you* happy! Your beautiful.... life is short... You deserve to be happy and find someone that is going to treat you like the princess that you are. Easier said then done, I know... TRUST ME... But please believe me when I say you are doing the right thing.